Chapter {3}

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Lucy POV

Natsu and I were walking down the hall now looking for my dorm. Since it was dark I used my flashlight from my phone to see. Nastu couldn't use his because it was back at my dorm.

We could not find my damn room. I have no idea where to go in this school right now. So I follow Natsu's directions.

But he seems to be confused about the way also. Probably because he can barely tell where we are with my dainty phone flashlight. As we walk it's uncomfortably silent. He doesn't say anything, and I'm mostly just following him around.

As we turn a corner the light coming from my phone shut off. I tried to turn it back on but realized that my phone was dead. "Ugh my phones dead." I say. Dead silence. I get no reply at all. "Natsu?" I say.

Still no reply. "Natsu, are you he-" suddenly I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a face crashing into my belly. I let out a small scream.

"Do you have a extra phone or something?" Natsu asks. I calm down when I realize who it is. "Why would I just have an extra phone?" I ask. He holds me tighter. "I don't know."

I rest my hand on his head. "You okay?" I say. I feel him nod against my belly. "Then why are you holding me so tightly?" I say. Silence answers me at first but then he speaks up.

"You gotta promise not to tell anyone." He says.

"Tell anyone what?"

"What I'm about to tell you okay!" He exclaims.

"Okay okay, I promise, what is it?" I say. He doesn't answer me at first but then I hear a deep sigh.

"I'm scared of the dark." He whispers.

I say nothing for a while and just take that in. "Really?" I say. He nods against my belly again. I never would've thought someone like him would be afraid of the dark. It was really surprising to me.

Suddenly he stands up straight, my eyes dart up to look for him but I can barely see his outline. "You cannot tell anyone about this!" He whispers to me sharply. I feel his breath on my ear sending a shiver through my body.

"I know I know!" I whisper back. "Let's just go to someone's dorm and ask for directions to the 200's hallway." I say. I start to walk off. "Lucee! Where are you?" I hear Natsu call. "Im like two steps away from you." I say irritated.

I get no response. "Natsu?" I say. Still no reply. I start to walk in the direction I came from. He acts like such a child, like a little four year old!Suddenly I feel the back of my shirt being tugged at interrupting my thoughts." What the-!"

"It's me calm down. I'm the one who should be screaming anyway!" I hear Natsu's say. "Right cause, I'm just supposed to automatically know it's you." I say in a sarcastic voice. "We're the only ones here right now." He says backing his theory up.

"You don't know that, anyone could be standing around, right here right now. It's too dark to know for sure." I say scaring myself. I begin to look around as if I can see a person if they
Were hiding. I feel Natsu grip my shirt tighter. "Luce?"

Suddenly a lightning strike comes and illuminates the hall way followed by thunder. For the split second that the lightning lights the hallway I noticed a figure on my left that I quickly recognize as a broom.

Natsu must have noticed it too because he turned in the direction I was looking. But I don't think he noticed it was a broom like I did. "Shit!" He shouts as he picks me up and sprints down the hall. "Natsu, what are you-?" I'm cut off.

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