Chapter {11}

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NO ones POV

Fourth bell was pretty rough for Lucy. She constantly fought with herself inside her head about telling him. She didn't know if she was really able to accept that she liked him. Her head was on her desk and she was looking in the opposite direction that Natsu wasn't in.

After a while she decided she would be vague about it. So that she wouldn't really be telling him anything.

She turned her head to the left to face him. As she did she noticed him quickly snap his head in the opposite direction. So she wouldn't know he was staring at her.

But she knew.

"N-Natsu." Lucy whispered.

He slowly turned his head to face her again.

Chocolate brown met onyx as they stared straight into each other's eyes. The awkwardness growing larger and larger as the stare dragged on.

She had to take a deep breath. The nerves were getting to her. Her heart thumped loudly in her chest like it wanted to come out.

"I just want you to know I'm not mad at you or anything..." She starts fidgeting with her clammy hands.

"...But?" Natsu says.

"But...we shouldn't be friends anymore." She says. She puts a fist to her heart. It was like her heart was in her chest pounding hard as if to say "No!" but she ignored it, she knew this was best.

His eyes widened at her words as he began shaking his head with a sad expression on his face. "What did I do?"

You kissed Lisanna, I'm only gonna get in the way. "Y-You didnt do anything it's my fault." Lucy answers avoiding eye contact.

"Well whatever you did I forgive you! I still want to be your friend." He says.

"Natsu, you're making this harder than it already-"

"I dont care, like I said, I still want to be your friend." He says.

They stare in silence at each other, both with pained expressions on their faces. Lucy wanted so badly to nod her head with a smile and agree to staying his friend, but she couldn't. And it wasn't just about Lisanna anymore. She wanted more than a friendship with Natsu. But he had Lisanna for that, so she'd just have sit and watch them be together with a broken heart. The sheer thought of how miserable she would be made her realize she couldn't stand that.

She turns away from Natsu breaking the stare. "Just leave me alone, please."

And with that she puts her head down on her desk facing the opposite way from him.

Natsu couldn't figure out what was wrong with her for the life of him. Ever since that night where Lisanna came in his room, Lucy had been avoiding him. He couldn't help but wonder if Lisanna knew why she was acting this way.

He decided to ask her after class before lunch.

Natsu stared at the back of Lucy's head hoping she would turn around and say something. But she never did. When the bell rung she just simply walked out. Without saying another thing to him. It seriously destroyed his pride.

She walked through the hallways slowly, dodging everyone and headed to her locker. She was gonna put her stuff in there before she went to lunch.

When she finally got to her locker and had it opened she started putting her stuff inside in a neat way. She didn't like her locker being messy because it was hard to find stuff when it got messed up. As she was putting her last notebook in, two hands covered her face.

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