Chapter {34}

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If you keep getting sick does that mean you should get your tonsils removed?

But anyways enjoy the chapter!


Lucy slowly opened the gate to the graveyard. She always felt weird coming here. It was just the feeling she got whenever she walked through a graveyard, like she was disturbing the sleeping souls. Though still it was a comforting place for her when she felt she needed advice.

She slowly walked between the gravestones, trying her very best not to step on them. She shivered a lot more as she walked, thanks to the temperature dropping a little more. Also she was now sneezing which means a cold was impending her future. She walked about thirty feet from the gate before she stopped at one specific gravestone.

Here lies Layla Heartfillia, loving mother, and wife.

Lucy lets a sad smlie stretch over her face as she kneels down in front of the grave, placing the three pink flowers she took on top. Her eyes began to fill with tears as she began to talk.

"Hi mom." She whispers as her voice starts to crack.

Although she knew her mom was never going to be able to say anything back, still she always liked to imagine what she thought her mother would say at least.

"So there's this guy." Lucy says, her voice barely above a whisper. "And I think I love him." Lucy says as her vision begins to blur thanks to the tears.

"Anyways, he's who I want to be with. But Jude—my father seems to have a different idea." Lucy was so used to calling him Jude. She barely ever thought of him as her father. "He wants me to marry a boy named Sting to save his stupid job, and I don't know how I'll get out of it." Lucy says sniffling.

"Any advice?"

Of course, she's answered by silence. It would have been a whole other story if she wasn't. Still, with her mother in mind she began to get some ideas. "I probably could run away, but there's a lot of problems within that. Like where would I live? Or how would I get money?" She says thinking out loud.

She felt helpless, like this was going nowhere. Like she might as well go and marry sting just to get it over with.

"What would you do mom?" Lucy asks this time letting a tear fall down her face. Suddenly everything is silent and Lucy couldn't even hear her thoughts. It gave her a real since of helplessness.

And so she broke down.

Lucy sat there, in the middle of the graveyard sobbing her eyes out. The wet tears on her face were making her feel a hell of a lot colder but she wasn't worried about it at the moment. She just needed a really good cry.

"Mom I miss you!" She cries as she puts her head in her hands. Her shoulders bobbed up and down as she cried. "None of this would have happened if you were here." She says. And it was true, her mother would have never let this happen. Mostly everything that was happening wouldn't have happened. And only someone who had experienced the feeling of losing your parent could empathize with Lucy right now.

Oh how much she wished she could bring her back!

But you couldn't (and really shouldn't) bring people back to life, and so Lucy sat there and cried like a child. She would wipe her tears only to go back to full out sobbing. It felt like it would never end. Her cries echoed across the graveyard and maybe even into the town that was literally behind her. She felt broken.

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