Chapter {15}

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Q - If you were in FairyTail what magic would you have?

A - I feel like I would have food magic, and like it would be like Lucy's celestial magic but instead of spirits I would summon food.

Well enjoy this chapter!

(And if you haven't already done so, could you maybe check out my new book? I'll probably only write like five chapters then finish this book, but tell me what you think!)

Lucy stared at Natsu, not knowing what she should say. She wanted him to come out with what he was ignoring those calls for, but she didn't expect the reason to be so deep and sad.

It reminded her of how she didn't have her mother anymore, and she somewhat regretted pushing him to tell her. "I-I'm sorry-"

He waved a hand in front of her face to stop her. "It's not like you knew or anything, it's okay." He says with a smile.

Lucy smiles back at him and prepares to say something back when his phone buzzes again. They both look at each other as the phone continues to vibrate. Lucy sighs softly then crawls over to his phone.

She picks it up and quickly declines the call, but not before seeing the caller I.D for who was calling.

"Zeref." She whispers to herself after seeing the name.

She turns his phone all the way off, so no matter who calls, they won't hear ringing. So now they should be able to focus on studying for their test.

"Alright let's get started." Lucy says smiling.

Natsu smiles back and brings his math book back to its place in front of him while Lucy takes a seat in the beanbag.


They study hard together, and although they were working hard, they still had fun. Every once in a while cracking jokes or jumping with joy when they figured out something.

It was lucky that no one else was in the library, because they looked childish, and crazy. Although, even if someone were in the library, they probably wouldn't care. All they were focused on were each other.

"And if you add fourteen..." Lucy was helping Natsu along with a problem. She got it a few minutes ago but he was still having trouble.

"You'd get...sixty-eight?" He was unsure of his answer.

"Yes Natsu! You got it!" She exclaims.

His signature toothy grin appears on his face as he hops up to his feet, grabbing Lucy's hands in the process causing her to drop her pencil and paper onto he ground as she's pulled up with him.

"Luce, you're amazing!" He exclaims, swinging her around.


He was happily hopping around dragging Lucy along with him. His smile seemed to grow wider and wider by the minute. He spun her around and picked her up in the air, laughing hard enough to make his stomach hurt. Lucy, who was caught off guard by it all, was in a laughing fit herself. She thought that all this, him acting all excited, was because he was glad that he had gotten the answer right, but that wasn't it.

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