Chapter {21}

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Natsu was being hard on his self. It's not like he didn't want to kiss Lucy or that he didn't like the kiss. But he specifically wasn't supposed to kiss her until the fireworks!

They had barely been there for three hours yet and he already broke that rule.

Natsu didn't understand that even though he didn't follow the plan, things could still turn out fine.

Now that they kissed, he was wondering how he could even ask her out when really they should just be dating. But he still wanted it to be cute and sweet when he asked her to be his girlfriend.

He realized he'd have to figure something out.

Meanwhile, Lucy was thinking the exact same thing. They might as well be dating, and he probably already knows her feelings by how she reacted to the kiss. So what's the point of announcing it to him?

She didn't want him to know like this. She wanted him to know from her mouth. She wanted him to know exactly how she felt about him. But she didn't think it would be necessary anymore.

"Hey, let's get some funnel cake! I'm starving!" Natsu says pointing towards a funnel cake shop, his right hand still holding her left hand.

"That actually sounds really good right now." Lucy says. And so they both pick up their pace and hurry into the funnel cake shop.

When they walk in, they look around and notice how dead it is. Surprisingly, barely anyone was in there except for some kids and a  young lady with long red hair arguing with a worker.

Honestly they thought it would be a lot more packed. Lucy and Natsu walk together to get in line behind the young lady.

"So you're telling me, you don't have any strawberry flavored funnel cake!?" The young lady says. "I'm sorry ma'am, we don't." He answers.

Natsu and Lucy exchange glances and look back at the young lady arguing with the cashier.

"Erza?!" They say simultaneously.

She turned around at the sound of her name. "Natsu, Lucy!"  She says smiling.


The three of them all sit down at a table in the shop. Erza temporarily neglected her strawberry funnel cake cravings for long enough to talk to them.

"Why are you by yourself? Where's Jellal?" Lucy asks.

Erza scoffs and crosses her arms over her chest. "I left that asshole a while ago. There was no way I could stay around him." She explains.

"I knew this partner system was stupid." Lucy says rolling her eyes. "You can't partner two people up that hate each other and expect them to get along perfectly well." Lucy says.

"Not all pairings were bad though." Natsu says quietly, playfully pinching her thigh under the table.

She giggles quietly at the gesture then gently pushes his hand away from her thigh.

"It's not like I need a partner anyway. I've been fine on my own!" She says smiling.

"You should come with us! At least don't roam by yourself, you could get in trouble if any of the parent chaperones or the principal saw you here alone." Lucy says.

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