Part 33: Two Can Play At That Game

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Heyo! I got a lot of positive feedback about writing a preferences book on IJ, so go on over to my profile and comment on "Joker Love" if you'd like to have a part written about you!

Brian's POV

Ayah is probably the best gift Sal could have given me. She was so young when I got her, and obviously her leg is broken so it was difficult for her to move around. But together her brothers and sister and I helped her slowly gain strength, and now, a couple months later, she can run around with minor limping. And believe me, she's quite the adventurous one. Well, around me, Sal, and the other cats, that is. She seems to be terrified of anyone else that comes into the house. I can't get her to come out from under my bed to meet Joe or Murr. Maybe she didn't have a good experience with humans before I met her, so I don't push it. She'll meet them if she wants to. Other than that, she gets into all kinds of trouble. She knocks things over, play-fights with the other cats, nibbles on my fingers, and I absolutely love her for it.

Today is March 17th, otherwise known as St. Patrick's day, and the guys are dragging me along to have a few drinks. I wish I could stay home with Ayah, because I'm still a little nervous about leaving her alone even though she doesn't really need me, but it doesn't look like I have much of a choice either way. So I get in my jeep and head over to Sal's to pick him up. Why I tried to open the door without knocking is completely beyond me because the paranoid son of a bitch always locks it, but I did it anyways. Then I tried knocking, which resulted in him finally answering nearly a minute and a half later with a worried expression. "That's what you're wearing?" he asks after looking me up and down.

"Uh, yeah?" I didn't get dressed up for this because I'm probably going to get so shit-faced drunk that I won't care if I'm wearing clothes at all.

"Babe!" he exclaims, ushering me in.

"What? What's wrong with this? I always look like this." Seriously, I'm just wearing my usual blue flannel over a black t-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and my hat.

"But this is a party, at least try to look like you're not homeless." At that he turns to the mirror in the hall and primps over a perfect piece of hair, then he straightens non-existent wrinkles in his shirt, and then he flicks off a speck of dirt only he could possibly see. Finally he straightens his glasses. "I might have something you can borrow."

Normally I wouldn't care about the guys calling me homeless and shit like that, because I know they're only joking (mostly). But right now Sal seemed quite genuine and serious, and that kind of upsets me. "Sal, it's fine. I look fine, and you look fine. Now c'mon, we're gonna be late." With a short little huff, he grabs his jacket off it's hook, his keys, wallet, and phone off of the side table, then finally he puts his shoes on and we make our way to the bar.

We find Joe and Murr already at our usual table with their drinks. "Oh look who finally decided to show up!" Joe exclaims with a wide smile.

I slide in next to Murray and down a shot that they had already ordered. "Blame it on this prissy little girl over here." Sal shoots me a look that I ignore.

"Awe, is Sal's hair gel not working?" Murr mocks him.

"Shut up, asshole." Murr is next to recieve the look.

The evening continues on and so does the drinking, and since it's St. Patrick's day, lots of people are here and a decent amount of them know us, which means signatures and pictures galore. In other words, I hardly have any time alone with my best friends. Hopefully that'll give Sal enough time to chill out.

In the middle of taking a selfie with a middle-aged couple, I see her, and she looks... well, she's seen better days. Clearly the insane amount of people demanding more drinks and rounds is taking it's toll on her. She can barely make her way across the bar without ten people shouting at her, and what's worse is it looks like she's only one of two waitresses here. Her hair is super messy, her clothes really dirty with a wet spot or two (someone probably bumped her and spilled their beer), I feel really bad for her.

Sal's POV

After shaking off this group of girls that look like they probably aren't old enough to be in here, I finally find Q towards the middle of the bar, but he seems to be staring at something. I follow his gaze and... OH MY GOD HE'S STARING AT FAITH!!! I can't take this. Not again. I rush to the bathroom. With any luck, no one saw my escape because not only did I want to be alone, but the tears had already started falling. I'm not sure how long I stayed locked in the stall as people were in and out, pissing, puking, and what sounded like having sex, but when I do come out it's a little less busy and crowded... and Q is nowhere to be seen.

The clock shows 11:32 as I frantically search for him. It's difficult because people keep stopping me and I have to keep rejecting them and their pleas to "please take a picture with me!" and "can you call my aunt? She's got cancer and loves you". There's a slight feeling of remorse, but I'm more concerned about Q. Where could he be?

"Joe!" I call out when I see him chugging a Dr. Pepper.

"Sal, what's up bud? Are ya havin' fun yet?"

"No, I can't find Q."

"Why are you so uptight? He's around here somewhere, I saw him not too long ago."

"How much long ago?" I ask, glancing at the clock. It's almost been an hour...

"I don't know, I'm not keeping track of the time. Just forget about it and have fun, he's probably talking to some fans."

Yeah, Faith seems to be a huge fan of him, that's for sure. "I'm serious Joe, I need to talk to him, it's really really really important!"

"Whoooo do ya need to talk to?" I hear a drunk Murray slur behind me.

I spin around and see that he has his arm over his girlfriend, who is also very drunk and seemingly high. "Murr have you seen Q?"

Adriann answers for him. "Yeah, he left about an hour ago. He slipped out the back after this waitress. Probably lookin' to get it on." I see both Murr's and Joe's faces turn from carelessness to 'oh shit...' And mine? The worry and anger intensifies about a hundred times.

Maybe it's the raging fury in the pit of my stomach. Maybe it's the alcohol. Whatever it is, if he wants to play the cheating game, then so be it. Let's see how he likes his own poison.


Don't hate me! Just know that there's a MAJOR plot twist coming up. What do you think that'll be? On a happier note, what do you think of Q's new kitten?

Please vote and comment! :D  

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