Part 18: Yes, Master

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Third Person

"Stand up." Sal quickly does as he's told while Brian jumps on the bed and lounges with his hands behind his head. "You gotta stereo in here?"

"Yeah?" Q furrows his eyebrows and Sal stammers as he corrects his mistake. "I mean yes sir. What would you like to listen to?"

"Mmmm..." He appears to think about it. "Play 'We Are Young' by Fun."

Oh my god, thought Sal, That's like the best sex song! Searching through the stack of CD's Sal finds the correct one and pops it in the cheap stereo system. The room is filled with the quick beat of a drum.

Give me a second I,

I need to get my story straight.

My friends are in the bathroom getting,

Higher than the Empire State.

Sal suddenly feels warm air tickling the back of his neck. Turning around he finds Q mere inches away from his face; pure lust in his eyes. In a sexy, husky whisper he says, "Strip, Sal. Dance for me." His tone makes Sal's knees go weak, which is bad news for the dancing thing. But he's a slave now. He must obey his master.

My lover she's waiting for me,

Just across the bar.

My seat's been taken by some sunglasses,

Asking 'bout a scar, and...

Almost involuntarily Sal's hips begin to sway to the music as he takes a step back for more room. As if Quinn could read his mind he sits back down on the bed. His eyes stray downwards... The other man notices this and starts doing his signature dance move for the show; the one and only Double Dutch. Without stopping he pulls his shirt off and throws it at Q, who catches it and takes a deep breath in. Mmm, I love his musky cologne...

I know I gave it to you months ago.

I know you're trying to forget.

But between the drinks and subtle things,

The holes in my apologies, you know,

I'm trying hard to take it back.

Q quickly forgets about the smell as he watches possibly the sexiest thing he's ever seen. His handsome boyfriend has his hands resting behind his head as he rolls his torso and thrusts his hips. The fact that his eyes are cast downwards to the ground just makes him look so innocent and bad at the same time.

"Damn Sally boy... Mmmm" Q pulls his bottom lip in between his teeth and chews slightly. Sal notices this out of his peripheral vision and holy fucking shit is it hot. The music slows slightly and Sal decides that now is the time to lose the pants.

So if by the time,

The bar closes,

And you feel like falling down,

I'll carry, you home...

All of Sal's senses are completely overwhelmed as the chorus starts playing really loud, and he realizes it's because Q is just everywhere. His hands touch every inch of skin he can reach, leaving hot trails behind as he very passionately makes out with Sal.


We are young!

So let's set the world on fire,

We can burn brighter than the sun!

Sal can feel Brian's warm touch, hear his soft moans, smell his shampoo, and taste... him. Just... him. Wow. He pulls back from the intense makeout session and rests his forehead on Q's. They're both panting. "Permission to use your name, Master?"

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