Part 30: Surprises

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Sal's POV

Everything was ready, everyone was here and ready to literally get this party started. We were just waiting for Brian to get home from his TESD podcast. Because it only takes him a couple hours to record the podcast, we didn't have much time at all to set everything up. All of the food had to be cooked elsewhere and brought in tupperware containers. Not to mention the fact that it was extremely difficult getting into his house. I had managed to steal his keys from his counter about a week ago and go make a separate one at Walmart. "Hey, I'm gonna go get dinner, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere," I had said. Thank god he listened and didn't try to leave.

I glanced nervously at the Thor clock in his living room. He should be home very soon. "Okay everyone!" I had to shout to get their attention. Everyone I could think of was here; his parents and brothers had flown in for a couple days, since you only turn 40 once. The crew was here and of course Joe and Murr were too; along with Bessy. She had to find a babysitter for Milana. Murray had actually brought his new girlfriend (I think her name is Amanda or Adriann or something) and two of her friends. Apparently they're the girls that Murr dared Q to flirt with that one day on set.

Once everyone had turned their attention to me, I said, "He'll be home soon, get into position." Everyone hurried to hide. It's very difficult for so many grown people to hide well, but we only had to be hidden from the view of the window so he wouldn't see us before he opened the door.

It's silent.

Dead silent.

The clock keeps ticking...

Tick... Tock...

"SURPRISE!!!" Every human in the room jumps up and yells; including Q, but he yells because we scared him. Walt Flannagan and Bryan Johnson come in after Q, laughing their asses off. We had them in on the secret to make sure Q didn't get here too early, and also they were obviously invited to the party.

"HOLY HELL you guys scared me!!!" His chest rapidly rises and falls as he tries to catch his breath.

"Happy birthday!" I come up and give him a friendly hug and pat on the back. When I pull back he looks at me.

"You planned all of this?"

"Well, actually I didn't really plan all of it. Some of it, but not all. But I came up with the idea." I wish I could kiss him right now, but there's too many people.

Suddenly Murr appears over his shoulder with a couple drinks in his hands. "Joe and I planned a lot of it. Here, have a beer." We both take an open bottle from him, tap them together, and take a long swig.

An hour or so later, Q's mom brings out the cake. And of course Q is already pretty tipsy and on the verge of being a drunken lunatic. We all very enthusiastically sing happy birthday, and when we're done he stares at the candles littered all over the cake (somehow his mother had made a cake big enough to fit 40 of the damn things and "Happy Birthday" in small, fancy letters on it). A split second passes before he impressively blows all of them out in one go, but to me it seemed like time had frozen. Why? Because of the look on his face. It was the look of a man that regrets, and dwells on those regrets. A man that just... hates himself for the decisions he's made in life.

But it's only there for that tiny sliver of time in a world that suddenly starts spinning again. His eyes crinkle at the edges and the deep browness of them warm up as he smiles at the cheering people around him, but the smile doesn't reach his eyes. I can't help but think that something's wrong, but at the same time I seem to be the only one that's noticing it. Everyone is either clapping, patting him on the back, or eagerly awaiting their slice of cake. I just stare and watch as his mom takes the candles off and cuts the cake.

I decide to drop it for now and enjoy the party. He's not going to open up with all of these people here, so I do my best to make sure he's having fun. And most of the time, it seems like he is. There are many moments when someone cracks a joke or he's telling a story where he seems to forget about what's troubling him, but the sadness always manages to creep it's way back into him.

Soon after the cake is presents. And actually, I'm quite surprised so many people got him a gift. Not that he doesn't deserve it, it's just that you don't really get birthday gifts when you're older except from family and close friends, and even those tend to be scarce. Brian also looks taken aback when Joe practically shoves a small package into his hands. It turns out to be the new movie "Deadpool" on blu ray, which Q is pretty excited about. We had gone to see it in theatres but he's the kind of guy to go and see it, then buy it when it comes out in stores if he really likes it. The next gift is from Murr, which is wrapped in Marvel wrapping paper. And rightly so, since he had gotten him a new hat, scarf, and boxers, also Marvel themed. Everyone laughs when they see it, since it's totally like Quinn to own something like this. His parents and brothers had gotten him a new camera since he all of a sudden seems to be pretty interested in photography, and then Casey Jost tells him that the crew, the guys and I had come together and bought him a new set of tires to make up for the ones we auctioned off. We half did it as a joke since he had already replaced them, but we also did it to make up for it and say sorry for making him buy them. He didn't believe us until we took him to a crew member's truck, which had them in the back. But it's okay because he seemed genuinely happy about it.

Right now (which is a few hours after the party started) people are starting to stagger around in a drunken stupor. I'm sitting with Joe and Bessy on the couch, but I really need some fresh air, so I make my way out back, only to find my gorgeous boyfriend chatting away with the two girls that came with Murr's girlfriend.

"Hey Bri!" I call out and he smiles when he sees me. It's the first time I've seen him truly smile tonight, and it makes me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside.

"Sally boy!" he says as he throws his arm around my shoulders in a sort of half hug. "Where've you been?"

Before I can answer, the black chick says flirtatiously, "Yeah Sally, what'cha been up to?" She's eyeing us both up and down. Actually, so is the redhead. They're both really beautiful and... okay, they're hot! The four of us get to chatting and I find out that the short, red haired girl's name is Sammy. She's got a little bit of chub on her, but in no way is she fat. And nearly every single inch of her skin is covered in cute little freckles. Well, the skin that I can see, which is a lot since she's wearing a green V-neck tank top with a black skirt that stops mid-thigh. It perfectly matches her vibrant green eyes. The other girl's name is Tisha, and she's got to be about 5'9". Her red belly-shirt (with denim short-shorts) displays a smooth, flat stomach. And some nice cleavage...

The conversation quickly turns from light flirting, to sexual innuendos, to oh-my-god-the-three-of-them-are-so-hot-it's-getting-hard-to-hide-this-fucking-boner.

"I'll be right back," I quickly say before rushing to the bathroom. Just as I shut and lock the door my phone buzzes in my pocket. The damn vibration only turns me on more. I got a text from Q?

I saw that.

Saw what? I type back.

You're horny ;) Shit. Will he be jealous? I really hope he's not jealous, please please please don't take it the wrong way babe, I love you...

Uh, idk what you're talking about...

Babe, there's no denying how huge your juicy cock is getting right this second. I'm about one sentence into a huge speech about how sorry I am for looking at someone else in that way when he texts again. This one both surprises me and washes all of my worries away. Wanna have some fun? I'm sure these girls wouldn't mind getting outa here for a couple of hours.

Damn he's flirty. Good. Sex with Brian Quinn is always better when he's in the mood waaay beforehand. As long as I get to have hardcore sex with the love of my life on his birthday, I don't care who joins us.


I've had to rewrite parts of this several times. But I'm finally [mostly] satisfied with it. I hope you guys are too! Lemme know what you think!

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