Part 32: The Amount of Love

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Brian's POV

I wake up the next morning next to a sleeping Sal. My head is pounding, I'm covered in... uh... well you know, stuff from last night, and my muscles are super stiff and sore. But you know what? It's all worth it to wake up next to this glorious human being. And of course last night in general made it all worth it as well. Speaking of last night, I wonder where the girls went. Hopefully they went home, because none of their clothes are anywhere to be seen and I don't hear anyone moving around downstairs, and honestly I really hate the morning after when there isn't supposed to be any strings attached. Sal's the exception, obviously. I love the morning after with him. I love the day with him. I love everything with him. I've become quite fond of him since we started dating in more ways than I ever thought I could have.

Shifting in his sleep, he pulls me off of my train of thought. Now he's facing me, so I lean over and kiss him on the nose softly, then the cheek, and he wakes slightly when I kiss his forehead right between his eyes. "Good morning sunshine."

He yawns and closes his eyes again. A small, cute smile pulls at the corners of his lips. "Mornin' babe." His sleepy drawl is insanely adorable.

"Wanna take a shower?"

He barely nods. "Give me a minute to wake up."

I kiss him on the lips as I start to get up. "I'll get it ready for you." He joins me about five minutes later, and after we get all cleaned up we just kind of stand under the hot water hugging each other tightly while occasionally pecking the other with little kisses in random spots. The amount of love that I have for this man is fucking crazy. We finish our shower, take some pain pills for our hangovers, and eat breakfast together.

"Babe?" he asks me in the middle of our bowls of cereal.


"Uh, well, I don't know if you've noticed, but I didn't really give you your gift... yet."

I'm incredibly confused. "But you got me the tires?"

"Well to me that doesn't really count because that was from a lot of people. I want to give you a special gift. One that couples give each other."

"I swear to god Sal, if your gift is flowers, chocolate, and a 'romantic' date," I use air quotes around the word 'romantic', "I'll probably puke."

He laughs at that, which is good because I meant for it to be a joke. I mean, chocolate's involved, so I'll love that, but at the same time I really don't need a bouquet of roses. "No, it's not that. This is a hundred times better. Trust me when I say that you'll absolutely love it."

"I really don't want you to buy me anything."

"Technically I didn't buy it, but I already have it and I can't return it, so you have to accept it. Plus when you see it, you won't want me to take it back."

"Fine, fine, go and get it."

"Actually, it's not here. You're gonna put on a blindfold and I'm gonna take you there."

Cue the red flags. "Sal this isn't a secret punishment, is it?"

He chuckles. "No, it's not." I don't buy it. We trick each other all the fucking time, why would I believe him for a second? "I promise you it's not, but I can see that you don't believe me. But, as your boyfriend, you kind of have to trust me at least a little bit. So get ready to go." Standing up, he grabs our bowls and takes them to the kitchen.

"If you're lying, I'm not gonna hold back on your next punishment."

"Deal," he calls before I hear the sink turn on.

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