Part 19: Care To Join Me?

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*Sex warning*

Sal's POV

Bright light shines through my bedroom curtains and right in my face. It worsens my hangover. Fuck hangovers... The events from last night slowly come back to me and it turns me on all over again. Damn you Brian Quinn... I roll over and I'm pleased to see his large form under the covers gently rising and falling as he breathes deeply. His legs and part of his ass is hanging out and it takes a lot of willpower not to laugh and wake him. It takes even more willpower to not palm his ass right then and there. Instead I gently and quietly crawl out of bed and start the shower.

Brian's POV

Oh Sal... your moans... fuck... Suddenly something hits my entire body hard. "Ow!" After some struggling I manage to throw the blanket off of me and find that I had fallen off the bed. My eyes slowly focus even though I really don't want to wake up. I was having a good dream too! About Sal! Grumbling I get up and start to gather up my clothes but stop when I hear the shower and... moaning... Mmm... Maybe waking up is a good thing after all. I completely forget about getting dressed and instead listen with my ear to the bathroom door like a fucking creeper. Sal's panting now, and I can only imagine what he's doing in there. But I don't want to just imagine it. No, I want to actually see it. I open the door quietly and I'm hit with a wave of steam. The incredibly sexy moans distract me and I accidentally forget that I'm supposed to be quiet. The door shuts pretty loudly and his moans completely stop.

"I swear to god Quinn, I don't want you to be in here, but it better be you in here." I would've laughed at the reference to one of his worst punishments if it weren't for the fact that he said he doesn't want me in here.

"It's me, babe. And I'm sorry, you just sounded so sexy..." I didn't mean to be so blunt but...

"Well thanks... uh... care to join me?" Sal opens the curtain slightly and I step in behind him. For some reason he's being really shy as he starts to wash his hair. It's almost like he's trying to hide himself; which doesn't make any sense because, well, he did just let me in the shower with him.

"Sally babe, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He scrubs harder.

"...Was it last night?" I must've done something wrong. Right?

He finally turns to look at me; an apologetic look on his face. "No, no! Last night was wonderful! Probably the best night of my entire life! I just... well you caught me in here and..." he trails off and starts rinsing the shampoo out of his hair, then moves so I can start washing too.

"And... what? Were you masturbating?"

"Well, yeah." He blushes a deep red like he's about to cry.

"What's so embarrassing about that? I do it almost every day. I get that before it would've been weird, but we're dating now. If anything, it kinda made me a little horny." I start hardening just thinking about it.



He smirks and sways his hips and shoulders in a very naughty way. "What're ya gonna do 'bout it?"

"Uh, well um..." I'm at a loss for words as my eyes drift downwards...

"Hey," He lifts my chin up to look at his face. "My eyes are up here, you sexy bastard."

"Oh I'm the sexy bastard? Do you not realize how hot you look right now?" With your wet hair and wet body. The way your skin turns red as the hot water hits it. The soap suds trailing down... fuck...

"However hot I am, times that by ten, and that's you."

"Whatever." I put my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. He returns it and grabs my waist. But his hands don't stay in one place for long. Eventually they end up on my ass, causing me to moan. I break away. "Sal, masturbate. Right here, right now."

"Uh, what?" He's nervous again.

"Ya heard me." I playfully bite his bottom lip to encourage him. "You're going to rub that juicy dick of yours, and I'm going to watch." Slowly and nervously he takes a step back and begins to do what I told him to. I can't help but bite my lip as I watch his hand slowly move up and down his shaft. I notice how he squeezes just a little more when he reaches the very tip. Something I'll have to keep in mind for later. Or maybe I'll do it right now. I smack his hand away and start pumping him the way he was doing it, only faster.

I hear a sharp intake of breath and then, "Oh fuck, Q..." Then he grabs my length and starts doing the same to me. We're kinda leaning on each other for support with our heads resting in the crook of the other's neck and shoulder. Our free arms are wrapped around each other in an attempt to just be closer.

"Mmm... Saaaal..."

"S-say that again... oooh..."

This time I sorta growl. "Sal... fuck me now."

"Your wish is my command, Master." Hearing him say that makes me shiver and gives me goosebumps. I don't know why I like it, but I do. Don't judge me. "Turn around, please." I do so, bend over slightly, and brace myself on the wall. And lemme tell you, I am NOT prepared for the ramming I immediately receive from the beastly man behind me.


He stops for a second. "Babe, you okay?!"

"Y-y-yeah... I just wasn't ready for that and it kinda hurt..."

"Oh... I'm sorry..."

"You're fine, I'm okay now. Just go slow." He moves in and out and I try to relax. When I finally do it starts to feel really good. "Oh... baaaabe..." He takes that as a sign to go faster and harder; pulling almost all the way out only to immediately shove himself as far into me as he possibly can. With every thrust we both groan really loud. He's not even going that fast when he reaches his climax with a yell.

"Shit babe! How do you do this to me?!"

I stand up straight as I turn to face him with a cheeky smile. "I'm a sex god, that's how."

"Well," he pants out, "what would you like me to do now, Master?"

"Hmmm... Lay down." He's quick to obey me and I hover above him; grabbing my dick to position myself at his entrance. I lean in for a passionate kiss as I steadily push my hard cock into him. Within five minutes I'm screaming his name and he's screaming mine as I bust my load inside him. We watch the cum go down the drain then finish the shower. As we're drying off I ask him, "So Sal, where would you like to go for breakfast?"

"I'm not hungry." He licks his lips as a sexy smile spreads across his face. "I ate too much desert last night if ya know what I mean." We both crack up at the sexual joke and get dressed. But as I'm thinking about what to do that day, another, more anxiety-inducing question crosses my mind.

How will the guys react? How will the world react to us?


Well, how will they react? Does Brian and Sal have the balls to tell anyone?

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