Part 24: Fuck My Life!

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*OMGOMGOMG The new episode was AWESOME! And the new series Inside Jokes is pretty cool! Is it weird that I already know most of the facts they put on those episodes? (I all but stalk the Jokers, don't judge! Admit it, you do it too!) Anyways, it was also announced on the live web show they did at Comic Con that... (drum roll please!) THERE WILL BE A SEASON SIX! And possibly more after that! I almost cried from sheer joy when Q said it on stage, and they're also talking about it on social media. Feel free to comment your thoughts, get a convo going! Okay, you can read the story now, my excited rant is over.*

Sal's POV

"C'mon Q, get the fuck up." He can be so dramatic sometimes... But then he doesn't respond... "Q?" I crouch down beside him and shake his shoulders. His head rolls back and forth limply and that's when I know that he's really not exaggerating. "Shit, Brian wake up!" God, how could I be so stupid?! He wouldn't pretend to pass out, I'm such an idiot! "Brian, please wake up!" The panic is rushing through my body and I don't even think to call 911.

Brian's POV

Oh god my head... And I'm so tired and don't feel good. I hear someone... Sal? I can't make out what he's saying, but he sounds pretty freaked out. "Mmm..." Am I moving? I feel something soft under me, and after a few more minutes I realize that Sal must've moved me to the couch. I can hear him more clearly now.

"Oh god I'm so sorry, please wake up, I hate seeing you like this! I don't know what to do!"

I can finally open my eyes and look at him, but it's a little fuzzy at first. "Sal? What happened?"

"Oh my god, BABE!" He hugs me quickly then let's go. "I'm sorry!" He's crying and won't look at me. "I know you're sick and I kept your painkillers away from you and you passed out! I'm sorry, I thought you were being dramatic, I don't know why!"

"Chances are, I would've passed out either way. Painkillers won't prevent that. Speaking of which, for the love of god go get me some!" He immediately scrambles into the kitchen and comes back out with a glass of water and the pills and helps me take them. "Thanks."

"I'm sorry..." He's still upset.

"Sal, why were you so angry? I mean I know the guys put us on the spot but..."

"It's not just that... How could you flirt with someone right in front of me?" And now he's pissed again. Great.

"It's for the show, I don't actually like those girls."

"Yeah you do. I know you, you thought they were hot."

"And I know you. You're not as innocent as you pretend to be, you were thinking the same thing. Hell, even Joe said they were hot, you dope!"

"But he wouldn't flirt with a girl if Bessy were right there!"

"Sal you know they're gonna make us do stupid shit like that! ESPECIALLY now that they've figured us out!"

"That's another thing! How did they find out, huh?!"

I stare at him in anger and disbelief. "...You know what? I'm tired, my head hurts, and I feel like shit. I only flirted for the show, and I didn't tell the guys about us. So if you're just gonna sit here while I'm sick and in pain and do nothing but berate me, then you can leave."

"Are you... are you really kicking me out?!"

"If you're just gonna be a jackass, THEN YES! Get out of my FUCKING HOUSE!" He stares at me for a brief moment, then runs to his car, tears streaming down his face. The door slams when he closes it. I feel really bad, but I can't really do anything. I need help, so I decide to call Joe.

"Hey buddy... How ya doin'?"

"Joe... I need you to come over right now." It's very obvious that I'm in pain and I hate it.

"You okay Q? What's going on?"

"My head..."

"No need to say more. I'll be right over."

He knocks on my door twenty minutes later, but I can't even get up to open it. After a couple seconds he just walks in and rushes over to me when he sees me sprawled awkwardly on the couch. "Q what's wrong? What can I do to help?"

"I... I can't..." I can't even talk now?! Fuck my life!

"Don't worry buddy, it'll be okay. Do I need to call the hospital?" Yes! But I can't seem to tell him that.

Joe's POV

He ends up passing out on the couch and I call 911. The paramedics come and I let them inside, but they tell me that there's not much they can do; he just needs to rest, drink lots of fluids, and take tylenol. Then they leave and I end up staying with Q the whole night. He wakes up a few times and I get him what he needs; a damp rag for the sweating, a pillow and blanket, lots and lots of water, and I even make a trip to the store to get some tylenol and canned chicken noodle soup. I sleep on the floor next to him using an air mattress I found in his closet, but I don't get much sleep. I feel like shit for what we did to him on set today, and I'm really worried about this whole encephalitis thing. But then a thought crosses my mind... Why did he call me for help? Why not Sal?

Murr's POV

I get home from work, eat dinner, and take a shower. After all of that I decide to text the first number that the girls wrote down for me. Her name is Adriann. Hopefully it's the super hot one.

Hey, It's James Murray (or just Murr) from earlier at the pool!

A reply comes through about five minutes later. Oh hey!

This is gonna sound really stupid, but I'm not sure which girl you are...

Haha, I'm the one that spoke to you first. And the one that the guy with long hair was flirting with. :)

Oh good!


Yeah... You're cuter than the other girls tbh ;)

Oh, well, thanks! They're kinda my best friends...

I'm sorry if I insulted them :o

It's okay. So did you just text hoping to talk to me or did you care about who you were talking to? Fuck, she probably thinks I'm a player or something.

No, I was seriously hoping it was you. But I didn't know so I had to take a wild shot in the dark.

Makes sense.

So, would you like to go on a date?

Sure! You should bring your friends and I can bring mine!

Aw, I wanted a one-on-one date. But I know some girls are more comfortable in groups, especially if they don't know the guy, so I just go with it. Yeah, I'll talk to them! Have a good night sweetheart! :)

Good night!

YES I have a date! Finally!


Poor Q! Stupid Sal! Good Joe! Yay for Murr! What do you think will happen next? How long will Sal be pissed? Will he ever get over it? And how's Murr's date gonna go?

Please vote, comment, and share! :D  

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