Holy Sh!t

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Hey guys!

HOLY SHIT this story has 1K reads! *mind explodes* I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! You know what else I can't believe? There's a new episode of IJ playing tonight! 10 PM PST. There was also a live web show that Joe did a few days ago. Go watch it! Here's the link https://t.co/CDwaYmsoin

The guys are also at comic con RIGHT NOW! And they're doing a live pre-show TONIGHT at 6:30 PST/9:30 EST! I'm so excited!!! Here's the link for that http://livestream.com/accounts/1378522/events/5903522

If you're wondering why I'm posting this, well I honestly don't know. I'm just so hyped up for this lol go watch those and then comment what you thought. Love ya and thanks again for all the reads! Keep it comin'!

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