Chapter 33: The Letter(The Estate Part 1.)

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I climbed up the stairs to our bedroom, Aph's mom kicked me out of the living room when she saw the baby saying:

"Oh my little grandson, let me see him."

So I decided to delve into my past, knowing that if I don't do it now, it will be worse down the line.

I sat on the bed with a creak, taking the letter out of my pocket, I looked at the front, in loopy red ink that I recognized as my mothers handwriting it said:

To: Aaron

From:Mom and Dad

Malcolm, do not give this to Aaron until he becomes a father.

I chuckled slightly, he was right on the money with that one.

I gently opened the wax seal, noticing my last  initial embedded in the wax, I tried to damage it as less as possible.

A thick yellow parchment stuck out of the letter, it was like I was looking back in time, the paper was pulpy and heavy. And written in a strange language I somehow could understand.

Son, and his descendants

You and your family are invited to visit my estate in the shaded forest behind Irene's city, to make up for lost time. I want to see my grandkids after all. I will see you there.

PS. If I'm dead before you read this, congratulations, you've inherited my estate.

                                                  Your father,
                                             Shad. A .Falconclaw

I blinked and read the letter again, still not believing a word I was reading, Me? a direct descendant of Shad The Destroyer.

How? We are nothing alike, he killed pretty much anything in his path. And his family is said to be cursed with heartbreak.

Behind Irene's City..

Irene, the Lady Irene? Whose family was blessed to thrive and walk the earth forever?
The same city on an island no one had ever found?

You've inherited my estate...

Did that mean I had inherited Shad estate?
Did that mean...

My family was cursed to end in heartbreak.


Yes this is short, but things are going down. And are going to pick up pace. Also schedule will change back to random updates.


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