Chapter 7:Rescue

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Two weeks after vacation...

Aphmau's POV

A long day at the maid cafe, sapped the energy out of me. And the heat wasn't helping. I didn't own a car, so I had to walk home.

On the way, I saw two very unpleasant looking men, both looking like they had one to many.

Unfortunately, I had to pass them to get home, so I prepared for the worst. They were standing right outside a gym.

And as I walked passed, a chuckle was heard behind me.

"Hey little lady" said a gruff slurred voice, coming from the taller, blonder man.."What're you doing out here?"

I sighed inwardly and tried to put on a pleasant face.

"Walking home,had a rough day."

The other, shorter and brown haired man chuckled.

"Ahhh, then why don't we make it better."

Great, Perverts

"No thanks, I just want to get home." I said, hoping that I could just walk away, and turning my back on them.

All at once I felt a large figure pin me up against the wall, it was the blonde one. I could smell the alcohol on the mans breath.

"That's no way to be, we just wanna have some fun"

He ran his giant hand down my side, and was really close to my ear.

I wiggled and struggled to break out of the mans grasp, but I was so exhausted and hot I couldn't even do anything.

"LET ME GO!!" I shouted, but the mans crooked smile just got bigger, I tried to kick him, but my leg was glued to the pavement.

"Now why would I do that, we're just getting started." He banged his boot up against my leg,and pain shot through me, a dull crack was heard.

"Because if you don't I'll beat you both to a pulp"

I know that voice anywhere.


Sure enough my savior was none other than my best friend and partner.

The man chuffed, and his friend laughed.

"And what are you gonna do about it, this isn't any of your business."

"I'm making it my business."

Two very distinct sounds of metal on bone was heard and the two assaulters were on the side walk, holding their heads and writhing in pain.

"Scram!" Aaron yelled, showing his brass knuckles under his gloves.

"Yes, sir!" Said one.

"Yeah" said the other, and they both ran off toward the city center.

I stood there in awe that he beat two men with his bare hands(kinda)

I slumped down on the ground in a mixture of exhaustion and pain.

"Aph!" Aaron exclaimed, crouching beside me. His hand folded into mine and I heard a radio being turned on.

"This is Aaron, I have someone with a broken leg and heat exhaustion."

Incoherent static and mumbles was all I could hear, but he seemed to understand.

"Yeah, any room nearby? This is a personal matter."

More static and mumbles.

"Alright, thanks."

What is he doing?

"Let's get you out of the sun." He gently started to pick me up bridal style (which wasn't that hard) taking care not to bump my leg.

"Okay, let's go inside."

Aaron's POV

I am not a doctor, I am a domestic violence detective.

I'm way out of my comfort zone.

But it's for her.

I set her down on one of the gym benches, she was still really warm. People gathered around us asking what happened.

"No time, someone get me some water!"

"Here." Someone tossed me a water bottle, and I unscrewed it.

"Aph, you need to drink, Zane is bringing his car."

I put the bottle up to her mouth and tipped it.

After a few minutes of trying to cool her down, I felt her head.

It's much cooler now.

I heard the door open and a short black haired man step in.

"Move, Move, out of my way!"

Zane crouched beside me, as a fellow detective , he knew how to handle me.

"Come on let's get her in the car."

I gently picked her up once more, she was trying to say something but it seemed her mouth was glued shut.

"Talk later, you need help."

A/N Finished! And just in time! The heat that Aphmau suffered in this one is actually the kinda heat here. Usually Kentucky is a mild summer, but now I feel like an egg being boiled in a cast iron pan.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed.


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