Chapter 26: Aaron's Homestead

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A low crescent moon illuminated the dark forest below. Dew hung on the trees like little balls of life. And a cool, calming breeze ran through the valley of MyStreet.

Suddenly, a low howl shattered the air. Its lonely cry resounding through the trees.

A  large, dog-like figure moved through the trees, the moon barely illuminating its scars and black fur.

It stood on two legs, sniffing the air hungrily. Its nose landing on a house on the other side of the forest.

"Cows, it's better than nothing." The werewolf said with a bark, and it sprinted through the forest...

"So you'll be able to look after the cows when we're gone, yeah?" Trinity asked the family in front of her, giving them a scolding look.

"Of course!, you know I've taken care of cows before grandma, their in good hands." Aaron replied, holding his daughter close on his shoulder.

"Then yer all set." Marlowe, piped in, holding his wife by the hand.

The older couple continued packing in the last of their things in an old rusty pickup.

"Remember, you only have this place fer a week, grandson." Marlowe said, pointing at Aaron.

"I know grandpa, I'll take care of the place." Aaron recited, he had lived in this house on the days he didn't want to go home to fighting.

"No, I mean, don't get too comfortable and give me a third great grandkid."

"Grandad!" Aaron yelled, his face red as a beet.( with the fact he said that, and how that couldn't happen again for another five months)

The older man laughed before putting on a serious face. And boding Aaron to come closer.

"Just between you and me. There's been something spookin' the livestock in the night. I think it's a coyote or the like. So keep the little one indoors if you're going out."

"Yeah, thanks for the heads up." Aaron nodded and waved at his grandparents as they drove off.

"They seem nice." Aph giggled, her hand tight in her fiancés.

"Well, they pretty much raised me, so, they should be." He replied, pulling her closer to him.

"So, why don't you have an accent then?"

He chuckled, "why, 'ello there little lassie, yer far from home arn't ye."

She giggled before coaxing her fiancé into the farmhouse. Lilith running close behind.

Aphmau's POV

I was so happy Aaron had taken us to where he was raised. If only for a week

it was a little strange in the farmhouse, I was expecting something grandeur. But it was  humble, not big but definitely not small.

It was only when I caught a glint out of the corner of my eye that I had to hold in a chuckle.

The door was battered, at looked like it went through a sawmill. And in pealing letters a sign read:


I heard heavy footsteps and a chuckle.

"Yeah, that was my room whenever I stayed here. Which was a lot."

He opened the trashed door carefully. And we were blasted into the past.

A dusty guitar leaned against a shredded amp. Its buttons long fallen out.

The bed wasn't made, and pealing posters of rock bands were plastered the wall.

"Well, this hasn't changed at all, except a little more dust." He said, jumping onto his old bed. Making dust fly everywhere.

"And just think, we can just hang out for a week." He smiled pulling her and Lilith (who had just stumbled into the room) into the bed with him

                  "Yeah, I would like that."

Aarmau: Uh... Oops. (Under RE-WRITE)Where stories live. Discover now