Chapter Fourteen

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6:45 P.M.

"Julie, this place is too beautiful." Tara gasped as they stepped out of their shared car.

"Not as beautiful as you, babe." Julie responded. Tara blushed as Julie leaned down to kiss her.

"You're too nice." 

"I kind of have to, right?" Julie said sarcastically. Tara put her right hand on her heart, as acting offended. 

"Okay, then." Tara laughed.

They walked together. Julie opened the door for Tara, a genuine gesture the girls always did to each other. They were met with a waiter, smiling at the two dressed-up women in front of him.

"How could I help you?" The waiter asked.

"Reservation for Winston." Tara said promptly. The waiter scanned the list below him and smiled again.

"Yes, right here. For seven. Early aren't we?" He joked. The girls laughed along and nodded.

"Follow me, ladies." He walked along the hallway to a corner of the restaurant. 

The table was decorated with candles, roses, and a bottle of champagne. Yes, it may be cheesy, but this was exactly what Tara wanted. Tara checked her purse to make sure the ring was still there. Check. Everything was going to be perfect. She smiled. Julie's smiled glistened when she saw the decorated table.

"Aw. This is so pretty." Julie sat down. 

"I knew it would be perfect for us." Tara responded, sitting down across from her love. 

The waiter scrambled back.

"Drinks?" He asked. 

"We would like glasses for this bottle of champagne please." Tara winked at the waiter, as if on-queue. This was the beginning of the plan. The plan that Tara had be planning for months. Everything had to be perfect. 

"Yes, I will be right back." The waiter, Jack wind back.

"Thank you." Julie added.

Tara took Julie's hand. 

"What do you want babe?" 

"You." Julie said.

"That's so cheesy." Tara scrunched her nose.

"We are cheesy." Julie added.

"I love you." Tara lovingly said.

Julie stared into her eyes. She would never want to stop staring into Tara's eyes.

"I love you too, my darling." She grabbed her hand tighter. 

Jack had come back, two glasses in his hand. 

"Here you go, ladies. Enjoy."

"Thank you, Jack." Julie nodded along Tara.

"Would you like to order?"

"Yes, I would like the Linguine Positano, please." Tara said.

"And I would like the Lobster Ravioli." Julie added.

"Yes, I will be back." Jack said.

"Thank you." The two girls called back at the waiter.

Soon, the food came. 

"Jack, can you fill our glasses up again?" Tara asked, Jack knowing what to do.

"Yes." He responded. Julie was oblivious. 

Jack filled the glassed with the champagne, and added the engagement ring in Julie's. He noted to remember which one was which. 

Jack came up to their table. The girls were talking quietly among themselves, hands tangled in each others, and glistening eyes staring back at each other. The atmosphere was filled with complete love. Jack had to go to their wedding. 

"Two more glasses for the ladies. How was the food?" He asked while he stared at the empty plates set in front of the girls.

"Very good, thank you, Jack." Tara said.

"Yes, thank you!" Julie exclaimed, happiness filling inside her, from this perfect night. Oh how she didn't know. Jack nodded and went back to the kitchen to let the night really begin.

"Lets cheer." Julie said.

"Okay. Cheers for a great night, and spending the rest of my life with the love of my life." Tara beamed. Their raised hands were now bringing the glasses to their lips, right after saying a tiny cheers.

Julie hadn't noticed the small bump in her liquid. She nearly choked herself. 

"What's this?" Julie had asked, not even noticing Tara on one knee in front of her. Julie held the tiny ring in her fingers, just as Tara had taken it away, to practically present it to the latter. Julie's hand immediately went to her mouth, astounded. 

"Julie, I know you're surprised, but I hope it's a good one. For starters, I 'm not good at this kind of thing, you know that. But I will do anything to prove my love for you, Julie. Ever since you bumped into me while catching that darn Pikachu, I fell in love with you. Even if I didn't realize it at first, I really did. I'm glad that Pikachu brought us together. Julie, I am here because I want your butt alongside with me. It has to be that way. We were meant for each other. Like those stupid puzzles pieces. I will always want to be with you, and I will never want to trade our love for someone else. I love you so much, Julie Marie Manuel. Will you marry me?" Tara cried to her gaping love net to her. The whole restaurant was moved, and waiting for the answer.

Julie was met with so many emotions. She couldn't speak. The surprise hit her like a brick. But, she had wanted this, right? Damn right she did. She was going to marry Tara and no one would stop her.

"Yes, you dork." Julie exclaimed and jumped into Tara's opening arms. They shared the most loving kiss they had ever shared. The whole restaurant burst into cheers and clapping. There was nothing but love. 

Tara slid the ring on Julie's correct finger, hopefully. The girls were crying, their mascara most likely messing up. They held on to each other, their emotions spilling in each other. 

"I love you, Tara." Julie cried.

Tara smiled at her fiancee, moving her hair out of her face and kissing her again.

"And I love you, Julie. More than words." Tara responded.

You can guess what happened that night. 

Take my hand, take my whole life too

'Cause I can't help, falling in love with you.

AN: Aw, this was so cute! Sorry for the long wait, school and stuff. Love you, and thank you for reading!

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