Chapter Five

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Tara's back ached, she hadn't realized why just yet. She had just spent the entire night sleeping on the floor of Julie's dorm room, all while holding the latter. She awoke to the loud alarm clock Julie used for the weekdays.

"Shit!" Julie bolted awake. 

"The alarm clock." Tara responded.

"Figured. I'll go turn it off." Julie added. 

She worked her way out of Tara's long arms. Tara was immediately faced with coldness, wanting Julie's warmth to spread through her again. It made her feel wanted and safe. Julie turned off the obnoxiously, loud clock and kneeled in front of the thinking girl.

All Tara heard was muffled words. She finally came out of dream land when Julie snapped her short fingers in front of her face.

"Tara, what the fuck. Wake up a little!" Julie joked, laughing at the daydreaming girl.

"So, about last night, is everything alright?" Tara changed the topic.

"I hope so. I don't know what that was last night. I think I was all worked up on the date and you. I mean, you're all I think about now. I don't know what to do." Julie rambled, Tara smiling at her rambled words.

"Julie, it's all alright. I may feel the same way. But take me on a second date to find out." Tara teased to Julie.

"Oh stop it you." Tara blushed at the statement. 

"Come on, we're going shopping loser." Julie chuckled. 

Julie pulled Tara into a loving hug, spilling all emotions. Tara lived for hugs, she was that kind of person. She craved for affection, physical affection. She loved it.  Tara could smell that floral smell lingering in Julie's hair. Julie was radiant, and she was the sun, gleaming in the sky, above all others. 

"I love your smell." Tara blurted out, not realizing what she had said.

"What?" Julie asked.

Tara's face was a beat red, suddenly not finding words.

"O-oh." She didn't know what to say. 

'Well, to even it out. I like your smell too." Julie answered. 

Julie was so glad that this was working out. 

"Okay, let's get ready. I want you to leave my dorm, get dressed, spend the day with yourself, and meet me in  the dorm lobby at 6:00, because my dear, I'm bringing you on a date. Just like I promised." Julie entrusted. 

"Alright, queen Julie. Coming right out!" Tara responded, jokingly. 

Julie pushed Tara out of her dorm.

"Thank you for last night, I really needed it." Julie sputtered

Tara gave her "you're welcome" was a quick peck on the cheek.

"Anything for you"

Unknown to the girls, Sam was watching from the hallway, just about to make her way to Julie's dorm and check on Tara. Her heart warmed, being so happy for her best friend. She didn't want to question Tara's sudden sexuality change, but Sam accepted her anyway. Julie seemed like a really great person, and she's glad that she could finally see that. 

"Sam, I'm here!" Tara called out to Sam, in the dorm. 

"Yeah, I'm here. Rough night?" Sam asked.

"Yeah. She had an intense panic attack, almost as bad as mine." Tara muttered.

Sam frowned. She knew how intense Tara's panic attacks were. They were horrific and Sam never knew how to fix. When Tara's depression was at its strongest point, Sam was there to give her support. Tara would forever be thankful for that. The panic attacks threatened to come out during school, in which they did sometimes, and appeared every night at her home. Locked up in the bathroom, Tara would sit alone, sobbing, as just wishing it would all stop. She would never escape, though, and she was terrified by the thoughts. 

Just now, that everything was a high point, they dwindled, making her available for emotional support to Julie, knowing that Tara would always be there to pick her up when she was at her very lowest.

"I hope everything goes alright for her." Sam wished honestly.


At 5:55, Tara made her way down to the lobby. She was always early, so why not be early for a very important date with Julie. Julie was surprisingly already there. 

Julie pulled Tara in a humungous, bone-crashing hug.

Julie looked so goddamn gorgeous. She had a simple, flare, black dress, which fitted her perfectly. She had black, satin flats, knowing that Julie hated heels. Her hair was flowing, her waves going down to the middle of her back. Her makeup stood out from her sophisticated outfit. It just fit Julie. Julie was always herself, and Tara would always love that about her. 

On the other hand, Julie was breathless from Tara's beauty. Tara sported a darker green dress, just stopping before her knees. It brought out her eyes, Julie thought. She had two inch white heels on, and had her hair up in a half- up, half- down do. It fitted her so well. 

"Wow, gorgeous woman over here!" Julie exclaimed,  making Tara blush.

"Not as gorgeous as you though, Julie. Now come one, lets go on this date" Tara beamed.

Julie tentatively took Tara's hand, intertwining her fingers with Tara's. It sent tingles in both women's bodies. It felt so  right. They walked to the diner Julie had made reservations to go to. It was nice, but not too nice. It was pretty sophisticated, but not too sophisticated. It was just perfect for the two girls.

"This place is nice." Tara said.

"Yep! I love coming here." Julie gushed.

"How come you never told me about it, eh!" Tara joked. Julie laughed.

"Haha, how funny, now lets go in, shall we. Julie advised.

Oh how this was going to be fun.

You were the song stuck in my head, every song I ever loved

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