Chapter Thirteen

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2 years later

Tara's POV

I walked down the sidewalk, waiting to arrive at the apartment. Today was an ordinary to most people. but to me, it's special. I made sure I had all of my bags, and that everything was in its place.

The September air was refreshing. The leaves rustled, and the trees swayed. Different colored leaves lined the sidewalk, my feet brushing past each one. We had just moved into a new apartment, last week, to be exact. It was a dream, moving in with the person you're going to live the rest of your life with. The feelings bubbled inside of me.

"Julie! I'm home!" I called to my honey. I walked through the door into the kitchen, to set down the 'special' groceries I picked up.

"Hey, honey, I'm here." The sound echoed through the rooms. I set all of the things down and made my way into the living room, the source of Julie's voice. She was sitting on the couch, watching the new episode of "Stranger Things". She was a little obsessed with that show; damn Netflix.

"A new one?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She nodded, silently, her eyes still fixed on the large TV screen ahead of her.

I sat next to her, cuddling into her side, and pressing soft kisses on her neck. She squirmed underneath me.

"Let me watch my show. Don't distract me, babe." Julie moaned.

"I might." I continued.

She reached for the remote and paused the show. Her bright eyes looked at mine.

"You wanna play?" She joked. She forcefully pushed her lips against mine.

"I just wanted a hello kiss. Missed you." I told her against her cherry flavored lips. She responded with a few more loving kisses.

"I could never ignore you for too long, you know." She reassured.

"Yeah, I know. I love you." I said.

"I love you too. Now let me finish this episode. And I'll be right there." She wiggled her eyebrows.

"I'll be waiting." I said. She unpaused the show. I hesitantly walked down the wooden hall, and up the stairs we go. I forced my legs to go in front of my body, and succeeded, luckily.Our room was at the end of the hall, passed an extra bedroom. We promised it would be for our child, but our marriage would always have to come first.

Thank the lord that we both wanted kids. 

I walked in through the already open door, lunging myself on the bed. I relaxed for a little, letting my thoughts consume me. I was going to propose to Julie tonight. Everything was going to be perfect, and nothing can change that. 

40 minuted later I was met with Julie, sprawled out next to me, holding my right hand.

"I'm still waiti-" I forced out until I was attacked by Julie's lips. 

The room was filled with sweet kisses, and glorious moaning. We had a make out session for ten minutes, and I was grasping for air.

"Not waiting any longer?" Julie asked, sarcastically. 

I nodded and kissed her again. 

We layed in bed, under the covers, wrapped in each other. Julie was holding me lovingly, something we always did after sex. We just loved cuddling anyway. It was a way to keep us connected. 

"We still have those reservations, tonight, right?" I asked.

"Yes, darling. 7:00 p.m, sharp." Julie added kissing the back of my neck. I shivered under her touch.

"You always do that when I kiss you." She joked.

I turned to face her, staring into her orbs.

"I know. It's just that I can never get used to you. "

"Same here. Tonight is going to be great." She winked.

"Of course. We needed a date." I told her.

"Mhm. Now lets cuddle." She groaned. 

And we went to cuddling. 

The lace in your dress, tangles my neck

AN: Hey! This update is the time skip, kind of like Act Two, or a second part of a book. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. 

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