Chapter Seven

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AN: Wow, aren't I on a roll? I just love typing on my new computer, and I obviously love writing this story! Thank you for all of the views support, even though it isn't much. I am grateful for everything. And if you're asking if this is just going to be fluff and asking why there are so many plot holes, I have answers. It definitely won't just be fluff, I will be evil and put some hardships and the plot holes will resolve over time. You will start to understand. I know exactly where I am going, unless I change my mind. Thank you and I hope you enjoy the chapter! 

-Paighton <3

The next morning.

Waking up to the sound of your own alarm isn't always the best. Tara never enjoyed that very obnoxious sound the alarm rings out at 6:00 in the morning. She had to go to class, so she was grateful something could wake her from her heavy, much-needed sleep. 

Tara moaned and reached over and grabbed an extra pillow and stuffed her face into it. She really didn't want to go to class, but she needed to. 

"Sam, you up?" Tara asked to the abyss, it felt like. She didn't hear an answer so she sat up and saw that Sam was still sleeping in her bed across the dorm. 

"For fuck's sake." Tara pleaded. She just wanted to sleep. Sam was lucky her classes didn't start until 11. 

Tara sat herself up from her bed, and swung her legs over to the edge of the bed. Rubbing her crusty eyes, she stood up, walking over to the open bathroom door, desperately needing to pee. While doing her business, she wondered if Julie was going to go to classes. They pretty much had all of their classes together, miraculously, except for one. Maybe they could walk together.

Tara pulled her phone out and went to her recent messages, it seems Julie already beat her.

"Hey, Tara. I'm going to class in thirty minutes. Care to join me?" The text read, and she saw that this was sent two minutes ago.

"Yes, of course. I'll meet you at your dorm when I'm ready." She quickly texted back, standing up to get ready, rather quickly. 

After a few minutes of trying to pick out an acceptable outfit, she brushed her teeth and hair, and did the minimum amount of makeup. She finally stood in front of the mirror, observing herself. 

"This is quite alright." She said. She never made and effort to go to a college class, but this was Julie she was talking about.

She made her way out of the bathroom and found that Sam was still sleeping, that lucky bitch. She left a quick note telling her roommate that she went to class with Julie, and added a wink face at the end. She thought that Sam would understand.

She walked out the door and, of course, locked the door behind her and went to Julie's dorm room. She was quite early, but Julie would appreciate it. She hastily knocked on the door, waiting for an answer from the other side. It came quickly. 

"Hey! Ready to go?" Julie asked Tara. They smiled both at each other.

"Yeah, lets go." Tara called out. Julie walked out of her dorm and called out a quick 'bye' to her roommate inside. The door closed and they walked together down the hall. 

"So, everything's okay?" Julie asked Tara.

"Mhm, except for getting up so early for Economics, but everything's great. Especially with you." She said, only mumbling the last part quietly. 

They walked inside of the now opened elevator, laughing and talking about random things. While tapping the "one" on the number board, Tara took a move and grabbed Julie's left hand, intertwining her fingers with Julie's lanky fingers. Julie smiled at her, rather big, and Tara returned the favor. Their hands fit together perfectly. 

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