Day 7: Your Most Used Electronic Device

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This one is so hard.  I have two that I use almost every single day.  One acts as my computer (even though it's not my computer) and the other is my phone.  I'm pretty much sure I use them equally.

The first one would have to be my Kindle Fire (yes KINDLE, as opposed to the Nook)  I don't have those fancy ipads or those fancy iphones (For some strange reason I want to spell fancy with a ph instead of an f).  I have a Kindle and a basic android phone.  Let me repeat a BASIC android phone.  It gets the job done when I need it to get done.  Namely, it lets me text, check my email, talk, and sometimes (when it's in the mood for it) let's me get online.

I really like both of these devices.  They are both small enough to bring with me and can provide entertainment during those dreaded waits between classes or sitting at the airport. (hehe)

As for the picture I took.  Sorry for the reflection.  I tried and tried to get a decent picture and it just didn't work!  This was the best one (I'm embarrassed to say that but it needed to be said)


Let me just say WOW, where has the time gone.  It seems like just yesterday I was starting this challenge and now I'm on day 7.  Tomorrow I'll be on day 8!  I think it's about time to add more days to my challenge.  This make me excited!!!!!

Day 11: Favorite board game

Day 12: Your breakfast

Day 13: A Picture in your room

Day 14: Something your mom bought you

Day 15: Your bathroom???? (lol this will be interesting)

One more thing...I've been debating about putting a picture of me.  Let me know if you'd really like to see me or not.  Maybe I'll do it.  :)

Have a great day or not.  The choice is yours!  (Sound familiar TheKeyofE?)

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