Day 34: Favorite Purchase Every Made

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Well I'm all moved.  *sigh*  Despite missing my connection, walking super fast to a new flight after my 1st flight landed, and ruining breakfast this morning,  I'd say that the move has been good.  (Breakfast was saved after I was taught how to make it...I guess I'm learning something new everyday!)

So, where have I been?  That's simple.  The first night I was too tired to get on (plus I didn't have the wifi password).  The second night I had the password but typed it in wrong (I thought the 6 was supposed to be G).  That explains my absent-ness.  Now I'm back.

My post today is my favorite purchase.  I'm just going to say that this is not necessarily my favorite, although it is one of my favorites. 

When I was younger I really wanted a digital camera.  It was right when digital cameras were becoming popular.  I had a film camera but I wanted the next level of awesomeness! So I saved up my money and my dad and I set out to buy a camera.  And this is the one I found.  It's super basic and to be honest doesn't work all that well.  But at the time it was my favorite purchase in the ENTIRE world!

Now I've upgraded I guess you could say.  But I still keep around my first digital camera. 

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