Day 81: A Ticket to Somewhere You've Been

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My ticket is to the Hunger Games.  Yay!  I waited for so long for this to come out and when it finally did I waited even longer before I saw it.  I can finally say (and I have the picture for proof) that I've been to the Hunger Games. 

Finding the theater was quite the adventure.  I pulled up to the theater and there were no cars around but there were two people working inside the theater.  I walked into the theater and they were looking at me kind of funny like.  I asked them if the Hunger Games was playing at the theater and they said no, but it was playing at the theater right down the road. 

I found that theater, after passing it, and to my surprise the theater was practically empty!  I thought that a lot of people would still be trying to go see the Hunger Games but I guess not.

Did I like the movie? 

I thought it was good.  Of course I'd have to watch it again just to see.  But did I like it?  That's a hard question to answer.  Yes, in a way I liked it but at the same time I didn't like it.  I had a hard time reading the book.  I visualized it I read it and I don't know if I liked to see it on the screen.  I looked away at the tracker jacket part...I saw others looking away at that part too.

There were some things I was disappointed in...things they left out, things they didn't quite get right.  You know, the usual things that go on when they remake a book.  No big deal.

Also, there was one part that made me jump. I think it was at the end when that thing (I really can't remember what it's called) that dog thing, jumped out.  I jumped, it totally caught me by surprise.  

Have you seen or read The Hunger Games?

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