Chapter 42

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I woke and my eyes instantly shifted to where Jc was when I fell asleep. I found I was alone on the couch. I sat up and noticed yet again no one was awake in the house except me. I decided to take my two dogs and Jc's dog Wishbone, on a walk. I walked out the door holding three leashes and carefully maneuvering my way down the street with the dogs. Just when I saw a familiar face. It was Kalel, who was jogging. She looked over at me, and saw my struggle with the dogs, and ran over. She quickly grabbed a leash, out of my hand as I got them in order again.

Kalel: Heyy.

Me : Hi

Kalel: Did you get a new dog or...

She looked down at wishbone.

Me : Actually that's Jc's dog.

Kalel: Ohh, what's going on with you and them.

Me : What do you mean?

Kalel: Like, are you starting to get feelings for one of them... or what?

I almost fell down laughing.

Me : No we are all just friends.

Kalel looked relieved.

Kalel: Oh ok.

I waved goodbye taking the other leash and continued the walk


I opened the door throwing my hat on the couch and unleashing the dogs. I walked around the house.was all they did here sleep? I walked back out the the living room pulling out my laptop. I checked the vlog I had posted, and it was doing pretty good. A bunch of people had enjoyed it asking to do more. I smiled and pulled out my iPhone.

Me : Hey guys, this is your CaseyCat. And I'm still in the O2L house. By the way, is all they do here sleep?! Ill show you what I mean.

I got up and walked to Connor's room first and showed him on the camera, though he was just a lump on the bed.

Me : Connor is asleep.

Next I walked into Ricky's room and put the camera on him.

Me : Ricky is asleep.

And then I walked into Jc's room and put the camera on him.

Me : And Jc is asleep. see my issue

I stopped recording and walked around the house looking for where I had left my laptop. Once I found it , I began to look through my comments. I came across a lot saying I should have a Casey plays games day. So I decided to try it. I pressed record on my webcam.

Me : Heyy guys, it's your Casey cat. And I'm going to be doing some gaming today. The first game we will try is the slender man.

I clicked on the website and started the game.

Me : Ok, collect 8 pages , easy.

I began to walk around and found two.

Me: This is so easy, I don't know why people are so afraid of this I mean-

I began to hear static.

Me : Wait, what does that mean?

I turned my character around and my computer made a jump scare noise and a man appeared on the screen. I screamed, jumping out of my seat.

Me: What was that? Was that the slender man?

I sat back in the chair and looked to the camera.

Me : Why did y'all want me to play that? Well, I guess that-

I was cut off by Ricky

Ricky : What happened ?

Me : I'm recording.

I pointed to the camera.

Ricky : Are you going to cut this out?

Me : Nope. Sorry not sorry.

I turned back to the camera

Me : Well guys that's it For today. This is your Kitty signing off

I stopped recording and turned to Ricky who was setting up his camera.

Me : What's the theme this week? (Their channel has a theme of videos every week.)

Ricky : It's dare week. And I'm going to go around saying random stuff to strangers . Do you want to film?

Me : Sure!


We laughed running away from a woman who had threatened to call the cops on us.

Me : Well that was fun.

I was out of breath.

Ricky : It sure was.

I gave him a high five, when I noticed some one walking down the path of the park. it was Joey, and he was walking with a gorgeous girl. She was blonde with bright blue eyes, and hair pulled back into a high pony . I quickly jumped behind a bush pulling Ricky with me.

Ricky : What are we doing?

Me : Shh! That's my boyfriend, with another girl.

I peeked out of the bush at them. They were just strolling through the park having a conversation. As they passed the bush we were behind. I looked to Ricky.

Me : Who the Hell was that?

Ricky: That was Mary-Ann

He gave me a nervous look.

Ricky : The biggest ....slut of YouTube .

The Time of My Life ( Joey Graceffa Fanfiction.)Where stories live. Discover now