Chapter 4

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We jumped out of the car and began to walk to Ikea. I noticed a handful of young girls staring at us.

Me: Whats going on

Joey ; I'm a youtuber, they must watch my videos

Me: Ugh this is so creepy why dont them come say hello, instead of just drooling from a far

Joey : Some people are just shy.

We finaly walked into the store and went to the beds section.

Joey: Ok so what are you lookin forr.

Me: Something small and quaint.

I was looking around when I saw it, the perfect bed. Only it was too high up.

Me: That one * I pointed* I need that one.

Joey's P.O.v

'' That one''

I looked over and she was smiling so wide and jumping around. She was like a kid on Christmas. It was adorable.

Casey's P.O.V

Joey went to get an employee to take it down. While he did I took out my phone and began to browse twitter. I heard someone clear their throat. I lowered my phone from my face. A 15 or 14 year old stood before me.

Me : Can I help you

Girl; Listen you... YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY JOEY!!

Me: Do you know him??

Girl: Just stay away from him you skank

I don't know what triggered it , whether it was her calling Joey my boyfriend, her calling me a skank or her being 14 and I being 21.. I lost it

Me: I'm sorry what . I'm the skank. Who's the 14 year old here chasing after the 22 year old man. You not me. I don't even date him. He is not my boyfriend .matter of fact I just met him today . But you know what, I know its killing you inside, I could sleep with him anytime, anytime at all because I'm legal, yeah that's right but you can't so sucks for you.

The girl immediatly ran off crying . Just then I noticed someone behind me. It was Shane Dawson. Famous youtuber and his girlfriend Lisa , and of course they just say me lose it to a 14 year old. And guess who else Joey.. they were all.dying of laughter

Joey: Anytime huh,

Shane: I was going to come help you but you handled that pretty well

I blushed. Joey and Shane talked for a while and then joey and I left.

Joey: ok now we have to get sheets .

Me: I already have some from my old house

Joey : Ok let's head home.

The whole way home we just laughed about my out burst to that girl

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