Chapter 23

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Joey : Why did you agree , in case you forgot, you have a boyfriend

Me: I know , I'm sorry . It's just going to be bonding with a cast member, nothing else.

I looked to Kalel and Anthony who stood awkwardly. I mouthed sorry to them . We had taken separate cars here so I figured they could leave .

Me: You guys can go home .

They slowly strut out the theater. I looked to Joey, I could see pure anger in his eyes .

Me: Listen your my only .

I leaned in to kiss him but he pulled away .

Joey: Come back when you can prove it .

Me: Joey come on, not this again. Where are you going , I have to drive you home. You have no ride , Joey !

He left the theater. I fell back onto a seat as the lights began shutting off. What was I going to do with him . I got up and got In my car and began to drive home . I pulled up to the house, and knocked on the front door , no answer . Kalel's car wasn't here, they must have stopped to eat . I tried to open the door , Locked , great. I walked around to the back and saw Blue sitting outside .

Me: What are you doing out here?

I looked into the window and saw Joey sitting down gaming .

Me : Joey! let me in!! Joeyyy !!

No budge , he looked up and saw me and looked back at the computer screen . I rolled my eyes and walked back to my car. if Joey wants to play this game, I can play too . I began to dial Rocky's number .

Rocky : Hello

Me: Hi it's "Janet", can I come over


So maybe I had a glass of wine , or maybe 7 . Rocky , who's name I learned was Jacob , and I had been talking for some time .

Jacob : So do you have a boyfriend

Me: * sigh* I thought I did .

Jacob suddenly leaned in to kiss me . At first I recoiled , what about Joey ? but then I remembered, he had locked my out of the house , and he had gotten mad at me . I quickly leaned in meeting his lips . We began really get into it , to the point where he started tracing his hands up my thighs . Every time he would I would lift them off. When He tried for about the fifth time , my phone rang. It was Joey, I couldn't answer , could I . I manned up and answered , he would be more suspicious if I didn't answer .

Me: Hello

Joey : I ... umm I was wrong , you can hang out with who ever you want. Just please come home.

I was about reply when Jacob talked in the background

Jacob : Hurry up baby ,

Joey : who was that ?!

Me : Umm..

Joey : It is that Rocky guy isn't it, tell me it's not .

Me : ehh

Jacob moaned in the background .

Joey : Are you sleeping with him ??!

I could hear Joeys voice crack on the line, as if he were crying.

Me : Joey , it's not -

Joey : You're cheating on me.

Me : Joey , I'm so sorry , I - I just ...-

I heard the line disconnect . I really stepped In it . I began rapidly dialing his number , it kept going to voice mail. God , I got up and ran to the door.

Jacob : Where are you going

Me : I'm going to see my boyfriend , but your a great friend anyways

I quickly pulled open the door and ran to the car . When I arrived at the house I ran to the back door , it was late and I didn't want to wake Kalel. I checked the door . unlocked , yes !

I slowly crept into Joeys and my room. I could tell he wasn't here . I looked around the room. Where was he ? I walked out in the living room and saw Kalel on the couch .

Kalel: hey your home , where were you

Me : Kalel , I messed up.

I sat down and explained what happened .

Kalel : Well, he said he was going to Meghan's .

Then I gasped , Kalel looked confused and then realized what I gasped about .

Kalel : You don't think.

I began calling him on my phone .

Kalel : Put it on speaker .

I obeyed and we quickly heard the line pick up. we heard many drawn out moans on the phone . I turned to Kalel with a worried look on my face and hung up.

Kalel : Are you mad?

Me : No , I'm scared he did something he is going to regret .

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