Chapter 21

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I woke up quietly and imediatly felt strong, protective arms holding me .It felt good, like I was re-entering my body in a way. I didn't want to get up, I looked at a clock across the room . 11:00 Am, damn I guess I'm getting up. I shook loose Joey's grasp and walked out in the living room.

Kalel : Heyy

Anthony : Hi

They were both cuddling on the couch watching walking dead. I walked over and plopped myself on the couch to the left of them. About halfway through the show Kalel paused it. Anthony and I complained

Me: Ayeeee

Anthony : what are ya doing

Kalel : Sorry, I have to use the ladies room

I rolled my eyes and turned to Anthony.

Me: So any plans today

Anthony : Well kalel and I are going to the carnival

My eyes lit up. I love the carnival , most of my remaining childhood memories consist of it. Anthony must have seen my excitement.

Anthony : You and Joey can come along too

I sqealed and hopped up, running to Joey's and my room. I sat centimeters away from his face .

Me : Wake up

Joeys eyes instantly fluttered open and he smirked at me.

Me: We're going to the carnival !


Me : Are we there yet (sounding like a child)

Anthony , who was driving the car, looked back at me annoyed. We pulled into the parking lot.

Anthony : Yes , now will you stop asking.

We all jumped out of the car, and began to march to the entrance. When suddenly we were surronded by a flock of young girls. I backed up confused, when suddenly a hand grabbed my and pulled me out of the crowd. I looked back and saw that the arm was Kalel's, She grinned..

Me: What the hell was that.

I pointed at the group of girls

Kalel: Fangirls, of Joey and Anthony.

Me: Oh

i sighed and pulled out my new phone I got the other day and texted Joey.

*Me : Hey , Kalel and I will meet up with you later, have fun.xx*

I shoved my phone into my pocket and turned to Kalel.

Me : Let's go!

Kalel and I walked around going on rides for sometime, before the park started empting out.

Me: Why is everyone leaving , the park doesnt close for another hour.

Kalel: It supposedly gets scary here at night.

We both giggled and rolled our eyes.

Me : Where are the boys though.

Kalel: I don't know.

we looked around ,when I heard my phone vibrate. I picked it up. It was Joey

Me: Where the Hell are you!

Kalel gave me a stern look.

Me: Im sorry, just where are you guys

Joey : Im so sorry, we got caught up in taking pictures and signing photos .

Me: Alright just meet us at the ferris wheel.

I hung up and looked to Kalel .

Me : To the ferris wheel!

we laughed and ran off. We arrived at the wheel and no one was there. I looked up at the sky as it began thundering and I felt little rain drops land on my head.

Kalel: Maybe they are just late and..

Me: Stop Kalel, they left us thats it.

Kalel: But , maybeee, umm. I give up.

We begin walking to the car when I realised something.

Me: Crapp!!

Kalel : What ?

Me: They have the car.

And like that we were walking home , in the rain. I suddenly found a news paper on the ground and held it over my head. Then the thunder roared, might as well make fun out of this. I began singing ( Song from the Rocky Horror Picture Show)

Me: In the velvet darknesss, of the blackesst night, burnig bright , theres a guiding star. No matter what , or who, whoo you are , areeee.

then someone stopped me. There was a man who was carrying an umbrella who ran up to me.

Man: I'm sorry ,but you would make a great Janet ( From Rocky Horror) My names Ted and I do Rocky Horror shows. Call me if your intrested, youll get paided.

My eyes lit up, and Kalel stood there staring at the man as he handed me his number and walked off.

Kalel : You have to do it !!!

Me : Who said I wouldnt !!

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