Chapter 25

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Joey looked in raged. I jumped out of in between them, into the real Kalels arms .

Kalel: *hushed voice* What the hell happened.

Me: it's a long story

Joey suddenly drew back his fists punching the man in the face .

Me: Joey stop !

The man got up and mounted Joey delivering many punches to Him.

Me: Get off him!!

I tried to run to them, but Kalel stopped me. Just then Joey fought back , switching positions , Joey now was taking his turn at beating the man. The man pushed Joey off him and pushed Joey into the bar stand. Joey got up and began walking back over to the other man

Just then a bartender ran over pushing them apart. He pushed Joey into me and I caught him , holding him back, with the help of Kalel. The man got pushed into a few guy friends who pushed him back toward Joey. Oh god, I can't let Joey get anymore hurt than he already is. I quickly jumped in front of Joey as the man approached. I buried my face into my shoulder, ready to feel the blow of impact on my face. I felt nothing, I looked up and saw the man had backed down.

Man: Well, I can't punch a girl

I sighed and turned to Joey. He looked bad, his face was black and blue covered in cuts and bruises . He looked so out of it.

Me : Let's go home Kalel.

We arrived at home and I walked Joey over to the bed and let him rest. I got some ice packs and began to place them to his body. He looked up and kissed me slightly. I smiled, but then my smile fell as I remembered something.

Me: Joey I'm the Reason you got hurt .

Joey : I only did it to protect my love.

I grinned and walked to my bed. Joey would want room in his own bed tonight . I thought to myself. And to think just when I'm losing him, my loyal Joey shows again. He really is a keeper, and I slowly drifted to sleep.

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