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3 years later.

Between all the roses and tuxedos and planning, I'm definitely ready to marry this woman. My best man stood there telling me to be ready and to smile as the brides maids began to walk down the isle. Aly was the last bride maid to walk down, she winked just as my mother and Hallie walked down the isle. I couldn't believe that was my Hallie in the slim white dress, her hair falling in these perfect little waves with a small tiara, it suited her beautifully. I hadn't notice that I had begun crying, they were small and happy tears. My smile just as big as hers, hers with love and excitement. 

"You look stunning." I whispered to her as the priest told me to take her hands. We faced each other, and right there I knew that this was the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. "Henry, do you promise to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse and through sickness and in health?" I looked into her eyes and said "I do." 

"And do you Hallie promise to love and cherish for as long as you both shall live?" She let out a single tear, still smiling then saying, "I do." Those words made me feel whole, for the first time in my entire life. 

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride." He said closing his book and stepping back. I cradled her cheeks in my hands gently and brought my face to hers, "I love you." I whispered as I kissed her with love not lust. The kiss made me feel like we were the only ones there, as we pulled apart i returned to reality as our families and friends began cheering, we held hands and ran out into the dinner hall.

The night was full of love, laughter and food, lots and lots of food. As people left and began to clean up, i looked at my wife and told her I had a surprise. We went home, got dressed and packed our bags. We got a cab to the airport and that's when I told her we were going to the Bahamas for our honeymoon.

"I will always love you, even when we are old and crinkled." She giggled and kissed me lovingly as we began our new adventure together.

Okay that is it for this story. I had to end it because i was having a hard time on how to keep it going. I am going to be starting another story. I will be announcing the Title in the next week or so. Thank you soo much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!! xx

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