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"Henry.." the girl I fucked standing right in front of me.
"Oh hey.. What was your name again?" I ask genuinely forgetting.
"Oh how could you forget my name?" she had a smug look on her face.
"seriously, I usually forget the names of people who aren't important to me. Which isn't you obviously.. " i could feel the venom drip from my words I was throwing.
"Okay well you have my number call me when you're not a douche." she mumbled having been defeated.
"Henry, who is she?" she looked worried. "no one important..." i said feeling ashamed in myself.
"Oh okay.. "i smile and hug her, "hun it's okay, she's in my past." she smiles softly.
I grabbed her hand softly and we began walking again, tossing away our melted ice cream. "what do you say we hit up the arcade.." i point to the lights flashing from inside of a little store like room.
"Oh yes! I miss coming here. " we could come here every Friday after school and spend hours here.

We played games till they closed which was pretty late.
It was raining when we got outside. I pulled her against me softly and pressed my lips to hers softly, kissing in the rain. Cliché yes. But I don't care.

"Hallie..please be my girlfriend?"I ask smiling nervously, placing a small kiss on her cheek.
She looked very hesitant but nodded slowly, "yes." i don't think I'd ever hear those words not only come from my mouth but her agree to it.

We got home late, I walked her to her bedroom kissing her cheek as she went to bed.
I leaned up against her door sliding down into a criss cross position.
Man I love her, I'm going to end all other relationships, including fuck buddies.


"Natalia we're done. I can't be with you anymore. " she looked like I shoved a knife into her chest and all she did was run away crying. I hated hurting people like that but I had to do it.
I love Hallie too much.
After that I was on my way to pick up Justine because she wanted to have our usual sleep over, well mostly her and Hallie. They've grown close over the years.

"Henry!" she said running up and jumping in my arms. "hey pumpkin, wow you've gotten so tall since last month, what's mom feeding you?" I tease and she just giggled holding onto me.
"alright, got your stuff with you?"I asked her smiling and she nodded as I set her back down, "okay, let's go get it."
I looked up at my childhood house.
"hey mom. " i say just after Justine is out of sight.
"Oh hi." she says, her eyes have purple bags under them her skin a sickly pale color. Fuck.
"how long am I taking her for this time?" I say sadly.
"I'll be gone for two months this time." she says lighting a cigarette. "alright. call me when you get there so I know your safe." i wrap my arm around to skinny body and kiss her head before leaving with Justine back to my house. 

After we got back to my house Justine and Hallie were having a little girls day which consisted of nail paint and some face shit. Makeup! But neither of them needed it because they both were already beautiful.
They both were upstairs as I cooked but soon a knock on the door startled me, as I wipe my hands I open the door seeing my boss. Shit. I totally forgot about the fight I had tonight. "Hey boss.." He looked disappointed. "Henry what have I told you about missing fights?!" He says somewhat angrily but calm as well.
"I'm sorry sir, I'll pay you back..." He's only rich because of me. His features soften and he shakes his head. "No it's okay, I'll let it slide this one time since this isn't really like you." He pats my shoulder then looks me dead in the eye, "...but don't make it a habit." His eyes darken as he threatens me. I nod and watch him leave before closing the door.
"Who was that?" Hallie said walking over, her makeup done sloppily, I couldn't help but laugh. "Who did your makeup a clown?" I joke and she lightly smacks my shoulder.
"But seriously who was that?" She pressed.
"Don't worry about it, he's no one.." I smile and kiss her cheek before returning to the kitchen, my next fight is in a week and I need to figure out how I'm going to do it without hallie knowing where I am.
Oh, maybe I could have Aly hang out with her for a girl day or some shit. I shrug to myself and serve the food to the girls and watch as the night goes on. Later that night Hallie was passed out on my chest and Justine was asleep on the floor in front of us. I smile looking at Hallie, her lips gently parted as she slept peacefully for once.

My eyes get heavy as I slowly drift to a comfortable sleep.

(So sorry for not updating!!)

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