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I walked through the hall, loosely holding my books next to my thigh. Looking around at all the people. I was known as the bad ass. Know one fucked with me. They all knew I could kill them. Which was very true.
I didn't have any friends here but I knew everyone. I observed people. I wasn't what you called a "people person". I prefer to just keep to myself. I glanced down at my black vans then back up, running into someone both of us dropping our stuff.
"can you watch it?" I grumbled picking my stuff up before looking at the person in front of me.
Beaming green eyes looking directly into mine. Her cheeks flushed out of embarrassment. "Oh um.. I uh sorry.." she left me with a kind smile before running off in the opposite direction of me. She was a beautiful kind of creature. The rare kind.
After pulling myself together I went into the cafeteria and sat by myself at my usual table pulling out my notebook as I begin to doodle. Letting my hand choose what to draw.
I slowly ate my food as I drew. Focusing on the detail on the drawing.
I pulled out my colored pencil and took out a bright but not too bright of a green color to fill in the sparkling eyes that haven't yet left my mind. As soon as the bell rang I slammed my book shut and got up walking slowly to my gym class. I hated this class because of the uniform I had to wear. Bright blue shorts and an orange shirt. They were awful colors together. I changed quick and made my way to the gym and began warm ups while waiting for coach. There was a boys side and a girls side. I looked over my shoulder seeing the familiar brunette stretching by herself. She must be new or I'm blind. I began warm ups and coach came out of his office yelling... Like usual.
"Okay today we are doing basketball! I will pick two captains one boy and one girl and I will let them choose their teams. It will not be girls against guys!" he says as he takes attendance. I glance at the girl, the corners of my mouth turning up slightly. "Lauren and Joey! You're the captains." Oh lovely. I will get picked last just watch.
They picked all the people and then there were two. Me and Alex. He was a douche to everyone, but they all love him. It blows my mind. "Alex. " Joey said and everyone on the opposite team groaned when they realized they had me on their team. "okay you get the ball." coach said pushing the ball against my chest.
I nodded and went to the center of the court, doing what I was supposed to be doing.
The girl stood in front of me smiling, I only glanced at her before passing her the ball then she passed it back to me and I passed it over to one of my team mates. She was on the other team. I'd never been so distracted ever in my life. I tripped over my own feet. She was my guard and I was hers in the game.
But soon class was over and I left quickly wanting to get home.

Quickly walking to my car. I threw my bag in the back and started up the car and pulled out going home. It was just me, my mom and my sister, Justine. She was 4. She was my joy in life. She clung to me as if I was her dad. I was the only male figure in her life after our dad died. She doesn't know he died since she died when she was only a year old. I was fourteen when he died. I was a wreck. That's when I shut down. I lost all my friends and happiness. He was the best dad ever. My mom started smoking and drinking after he was gone. We all missed him in a way.
"Henry!!" Justine said running toward me and I picked her up spinning her around as I smiled. "hey beautiful, how was miss Ginger today?" I asked her curiously as we grabbed her art work from the table. "good!" she smiled big at me as I put her in her pink car seat. I nodded smiling as I got in my own seat. I turned on her favorite children's music and started driving home. "Henry? Where's mommy?" she asked. I dreaded to answer it. "um she's working baby, it's Friday so we'll see her in the morning." i said even though I was lying. She was probably out drunk with a guy. She does it every fucking Friday. Instead of taking care of her children.
As soon as we got home, I took her to the bathroom and then we went to my room, I let her watch TV with me when I did my homework. I may seem like I don't care but I'm a honors student. I got to keep up with my reputation so I can get into a good college.
I turned on her favorite show and she got comfortable in my perfectly made bed. I typed quickly on my laptop. But my mind began to wander to those green eyes again. So sparkly and pure. Her skin so smooth and creamy colored. Not a flaw lied on her. Her perfect chocolate curls. The night went by abnormally slow. After dinner Justine took her bath and then I put her into bed. After singing her to sleep I went and continued my drawing I started earlier.
I slowly got caught up in my drawing I hadn't realized it was midnight when I heard a car door close from outside. I turned off my lamp seeing my mom stumble inside. Sighing I got some pajama bottoms on and took off my t-shirt. I heard my mom lay on her bed. I waited a few before sneaking into her room pulling her shoes off and placing them on shoe rack and covering her frail body. I kissed her forehead then slowly walked to my room and getting cosy in my bed, slowly thinking myself to sleep.

This is the first chapter I hope you enjoyed it. I'm going to give some more background and then slowly get into the actual story. Thanks for supporting my book and account. Please share this. Comment and vote. Thank you. xx

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