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"Why can I see you? But...can't touch you?.." She backed up. Her eyes filled with tears. "Does that mean you're...dead?" Her lips quivered.
"I'm not sure.." I couldn't look at her. My eyes glued to the floor.
Soft crys escaped her mouth. "Baby girl, don't cry.. You'll make me cry.." His eyes filled with hot tears.
"I can't.." She said laying down, "lay with me?" I nod. I lay beside her and put my arms around your hoping she felt me.
Soon she slept and I left once again to find myself.
I went back to the last place I had been. I saw a figure walking into the forest. I slowly followed not sure if he could see me too.
He stopped and pulled his hood down revealing my enemy.
He smirked looking down, I slowly followed his eyes and I saw a beat up body. My beat up body.
"I gotta get rid of your ass..." He said picking up my body.
"You fucker." I growled. He took me toward the river and he threw my already freezing body into the rushing white waters.

I was for sure dead.

A couple days had gone by and I was slowly slipping away. She couldn't see me but she did talk to me.
I would respond even though I wasn't audible.
After the fifth day, a light began to follow me. I wanted to go into that light but I couldn't. And on that same day my body had been recovered and put into the hospital and I was in a coma.
My body was purple, tubes covered my body. I was ugly. I had stitches and two broken legs.
I was slowly dying. Surprised I hadn't already. Even the doctors thought so as well.
Everyday she would visit me until visiting hours were over. She was beautiful but looked sick.
Slowly got weaker by the day. "I love you baby" she would say before she left and kissed my cheek.

And then the worst happened.
I flatlined just as she walked in. She screamed for doctors. That's when my spirit left my body completely and started to run into the light. I tried to hold myself back. I was wanting to leave so badly but i had to stay. For her and myself.

I pulled back and suddenly I could feel again. I began gagging. I couldn't take in air. I heard faint yells and hands all around me. Then I passed out.

What seemed like years later I woke up. In my own body. I could feel the pain in my body but it wasn't too bad.
I saw her looking away, "baby girl.." I coughed. "Oh Henry.. " she said gently kissing my chapped and numb lips.
I began to cry. I hadn't cried in years. She got in the bed and held me tightly. Softly stroking my hair with occasional kisses. I felt whole again.

I knew it was time to give up street fighting. I need to be around for her and Justine.

I need to get my fucking act together.

"I will never ever leave again baby.." I said kissing her once again.
"I love you."

"I love you more." I responded.

Sorry for the wait. Life has been very busy.

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