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Hallie and I slowly became good friends but she's still sad. She never told me why.
I was also falling in love with her, her and Justine love eachother also.
"Hallie!" Justine said running to her when she saw her. They had build this special bond over these few months. "hey cutie pie, ready for our movie night?" she smiles, moments like these caused me fall in love with her even more. Her and Justine loved eachother, she even met my mother who loved her also which is a shocker since my mom doesn't usually like that many people that quickly.
"yes!" she squeals happily as we go inside my house.

That night was amazing, Justine fell asleep early but Hallie wanted to finish the movie which resulted us alone and her watching the movie as I glanced at her. I knew she caught my looks but she didn't say anything she just smiled.
She always managed to look beautiful even though she was wearing sweat pants and a huge tee-shirt. Her hair was up in this messy bun and her nails were chipping off her black nail color.

Her eyes did glow from the light of the television screen. Glancing at her hand I so badly wanted to hold on and never let her go but I didn't. I should've though I knew she needed someone.
"i should be going, my dad will kill me if I'm out past curfew." she stood up grabbing her keys, jacket and phone.
"Okay, text me when you get home so I know you got there safe. " i replied honestly as I stood up giving her a hug.
She hugged me longer than usual and I walked her to her car.
"bye Henry" she said before backing out to go home. I smiled before biting on my lip then walking inside and locking the door.
I leaned against the door, "I'm in trouble.." i smile and go upstairs after cleaning up the popcorn mess.
I took a hot shower then I went to bed wearing my grey sweats and no shirt. My cat Carmichael got comfortable at the foot of my bed just as my phone went off.

Hallie❤: hey I made it home

Henry: good, you going to bed?

Hallie❤: nah, I wanna talk to you some more.

Henry: okay, did you have fun tonite?

Hallie❤: Yeah I always do, got to see my little munchkin

Henry: I hope by munchkin you mean me

Hallie❤: Oh of course Haha, I think I am going to bed, Goodnight H.

Henry: Goodnight pretty girl

Did I really just type that? Yes, yes you did Henry! Idiot she probably thinks I'm weird now. Oh shit. She does! Oh well. I set my phone down and immediately went to sleep, feeling tired from the week.

I heard my phone vibrating but I wasn't quick enough to answer so I redialed. It was 4am.
"hey Hallie? Are you oka-"

"Henry?" she cried into the phone. "can you come pick me up?" she sniffled.
"Hallie.. What happened.." i whispered worriedly.
"please just come get me.. " she whispered quickly. I nod, "Okay I'm coming." i hung up and ran down to my car not really caring that I had no shirt on.

When I rolled up I saw her, bruises, dirty, her clothes all ripped up. "Hallie!" I say getting out and she runs into my arms crying.

"hey beautiful please talk to me.. " i begged.
"no.. Not here, it's not safe." she said getting into my car, "okay, you're going to stay at my house." i said as I got in and began driving home. "why didn't you get a shirt or shoes on?" she said curiously. "you needed me and that stuff didn't matter." i spoke and just ended that whole conversation.
"do you have any um clothes I could barrow?" I just nodded, I took her hand in mine to show her that I'm here and won't be leaving her any time soon.

"here.. " i said once in my room, handing her some sweats and a black tee shirt that I had.
After she had finished getting dressed I sat down and had her sit down in front of me, grabbing onto her fragile hands.
"What happened?"

She closed her eyes. "if I tell you, promise not to get upset and go kill anyone okay.?" I nodded.

She took a deep breath as she looked into my eyes. "my father raped me then tonight he tried again but I got away just in time." the tears flowed down her cheeks. "Oh God... Hallie.." i whisper as a few of my own tears escape.

"Hallie." positioned myself so that I was looking into her eyes, then I said something I truly meant. "i will never let anyone touch you ever again."

And I will never break that promise as long as I live. Because I'm in love with Hallie.

I know it's short but oh well. ✌

Gone.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें