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-Hallie's Point of View-

I had a feeling this would happen. I knew it. Henry was going out with Jessica tonight so my impulse told me to ask if Brad wanted to go out. Of course it was only me trying to make Henry jealous.
As I was getting ready, I remembered I needed to cover up a few things, I dabbed the makeup on my skin before grabbing a long sleeve jacket just to be extra safe.
Henry or Brad couldn't find out how absolutely disgusting I am.
I got downstairs, Brad and Jessica seemed to be hitting it off. "Henry, Jessica is here!" I shouted up the stairs before greeting her. "hey Hallie, how are you?" she was the nicest girl ever. "I'm alright." i force the smile. She smiles a genuine beautiful one.
I saw Henry come down looking perfect, as always.
"hey Jessi," he smirked kissing her cheek softly. Oh if only that were me.
"hey handsome" she flirted and I mentally gagged.
"hey, why don't you and Brad come with us? Like a double date? " she said sweetly.
I nodded forcing the smile even more.
"Oh Brad can we?" I ask smiling fakely.
He nodded, I secretly hoped he'd say no, but I had the feeling he liked Jessica.
"Okay well we should get downstairs to catch a cab. " Henry said with a small smile. He only smiled when we were alone.

We caught a cab, Brad, Jessica and Henry sat in the back and I sat in front. Soon the driver dripped us off in front of a club in town and I handed him the dollars as I got out, then he sped off into the distance.
I headed straight for the bar, needing a drink to get me through the rest of the night, Henry followed while our dates hit it off. "two beers and round of shots." Henry says before I can speak. I turn around smiling small at him, "I think our dates are hitting it off.." i say referring to them as they grind on eachother. "Oh yeah, if I would've known she'd ditch I wouldn't have asked her to come." he chuckles then grabs his beer taking a long sip.
I copied his action taking a long drink before turning around looking at all the sweaty bodies move against each other.
I felt Henry's eyes burning my skin but I just kept my eyes on the group of people.
"here's your shots. " the man said, turning around we both take the shot.
It wasn't much alcohol but I could already feel the buzz.

"Henry, dance with me.." i said grabbing his hand pulling him out to the floor. "okay.." he smiled.
I began dancing in front of him, not too long later he danced along.
Our bodies against each other as the songs got slower.

"Henry.. I wanna go home.. " i said feeling tipsy.

-Henry's Point of View-

"Henry.. I wanna go home.." i could tell she was tipsy, she never held her alcohol well.
"Okay, let's go, Brad and Jessi left a while ago." i was kind of happy they ditched us.
"okay." she giggled holding onto my hand. "come on, beautiful." i smiled big as I caught a cab.

I smiled as she fell asleep on my side when we got in the car. She looks so beautiful. We got there and I carried her bridal style up the steps and managed to unlock the door.
I carried her laying her down on her bed. "Henry, lay with me.. I don't want to be alone." she said the alcohol obviously still in her system. "of course baby girl." that one slipped. She just giggled, hopefully she won't remember anything. I took off our shoes and laid down beside her, she lied there peacefully in my arms. I wish I could hold her and kiss her every night. I kissed her cheek and fell asleep right there, happily.

"Henry I'm in love with you.. " she was wearing all white looking like an absolute angel.
"Hallie I love you too.." i said reaching out for her. But I couldn't get to her. "Henry come save me!" she said frantically, that man was getting close to her. "no get away from her!" I say trying to run but I was stuck like I was nailed to the ground. "Henry!" she screamed and she disappeared right in front of me.

"Henry.. Wake up!" I opened my eyes as the sun bled through the curtains. "are you alright!?" I sat up making sure she was safe. "yeah I'm fine. " she whispered softly, she kissed my forehead before getting up and going to take her usual morning shower.
I nodded and sit up once I heard the water. Getting out of bed I noticed something on the floor, Shiney and silver. I picked it up noticing it was a ring. "huh?" I say placing it on her night stand before going and changing into scenting clean to wear. The smell from last night lingered on my shirt.

Then I went down to make breakfast. You need to tell her, my conscience told me. How could I? She doesn't love me the way I love her.
"just do it you idiot.. " i whispered.
"just do what?" she said having heard me. "Oh um nothing.." i can't avoid it forever.

"no its not nothing.. I need to tell you something.. " she just stared at me but I couldn't bring myself to say it.

I just walked over and did something I've always wanted to do.
I kissed her.

hope you enjoy hehe

Gone.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin