2. The Unforgettable

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Chapter Two – The Unforgettable

As the minutes ticked into hours, Eva's stomach fluttered with worry. She glanced out of the window too many times to keep count, hoping for Jett's distinguishable silhouette to emerge from the dark. Initially, moments after his departure, Eva gazed out of the window, sighing longingly to dip her toes in the chilling water and for her hair to flow behind her back with the wind. As time moved on, each glance out of the window became sharper and more desperate. He was more skilled than all of her previous employees put together, so why isn't he back, she thought. Many times, Eva found herself drawn to the draw containing the Crest. Had she given it to him, surely it would protect him the way it has protected her for many years, she thought. Only, as quick as the thought came to her, she shook it away faster. She knew of the horror to come in giving him the Crest.

Eva jumped as the telephone on her desk began to ring. She swivelled round to her desk and picked up the phone, hoping her voice wouldn't reveal the way she felt; her heart was racing.

"Yes," she answered sternly.

"Room AO7 is occupied," Eva's secretary reported. It was the only room with lighting, the only room underground. She made it into a sort of dungeon after growing up watching Dr Who and Arthur. All the old stuff containing castles and mythology.

"And..?" she prompted, screwing at her desk.

"I- I don't know, Ma'am. He wouldn't say who he is, even after the guards beat him up. He kept saying he won't say a word until he sees you."

"Alright, Alice. I'll be right there. Make sure the guards are not in the room," Eva ordered before putting the phone down.

She sat for a further five minutes, composing herself and eradicating any worries of Jett. She took one last glance out of the window, before taking out the Crest and hurried out of the room. Each corridor on every floor was identical to each other with photos of previous occupants along the walls. When Eva took over the building, she was less bothered of the appearance of the building and more concerned on her safety.  The walls were blue with a white border. She went down two flights of stairs, when she came across a reflective surface and noticed her hair all over the place. She smoothed it down and continued on her way along another corridor, down another set of stairs, half way along that corridor before coming across room AO7 guarded by two men in black t-shirts and trousers with grey boots.

Upon her arrival, the two guards took a step aside; one moved to the right and the other to the left, revealing a grey door with AO7 across the centre. She peered expectantly at the guard to the right.

"He's awake, ma'am," the guard reported, who was taller of the two guards. Eva chose her guards according to appearances. Every security guard has chocolate brown hair and electric blue eyes. She was more flexible when it came to the height.  

"Good," she smirked before pulling the door open. Her right hand held tightly onto the Crest.

The room was lit with one tiny lamp on a wooden desk, only lighting up the table itself and the occupant of the chair behind the table. The man on the chair had his face resting on the table, his arms bulging out of the white shirt he wore. His hair was almost as black as Jett's, slightly reddened by the sun. Eva instantly recognised him.

"Moon?" She halted by the door, carefully shutting the door behind her. He lifted up his head, his face full of bruises. His cheeks were more sunken in than she remembered them to be. The thin layers of his lips were curved into a smirk.

"Now, I would've expected a nickname more like steel-man, you know, like Ironman but better. I would've even accepted something like superman but what sort of nickname is Moon? More to the point, I was afraid of this, but have you forgotten my real name?" He remarked, fiddling with his hands which were in handcuffs. This was to entertain himself more than Eva really. 

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