22. Strengthening The Strong

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Chapter Twenty Two ~ Strengthening The Strong

Pandora blinked her vision into clarity, unable to keep her eyes open even for a second. She shut them, squeezing them as tightly as her weakened body would allow her to. She concentrated on her breathing, realising it was restricted. She, suddenly, coughed profusely and, at that moment, she heard the shuffle of feet before she felt someone help her sit up.

"Here, have some blood." The glass was placed to her lips and she sipped once, twice, three times before taking in larger gulps; every sip making her stronger. But only just a little bit.

Pandora opened her eyes again to perceive her aider.

"Tobias?" She whispered with a gasp. "You... how... what are you doing here?" Her voice came out in a harsh tone accompanied by her usual hisses even in her weak state.

Half of the glass of blood allowed her to gain enough strength to hold the glass herself, and wearily, she drank the rest after taking in the fact that she was in the cave. Tobias backed away and stood up.

"It's okay, Pans, he's with us," Jax commented, strolling into the room on cue.

"What's going on?" She asked, placing the empty glass on the floor besides the mattress she was laying on.

Jax approached her, knelt down and took her hand in both of his to check her temperature. Pandora was too weak to shove him away, surprised at his contact with her all of a sudden. He touched her forehead and sat next to her on the floor, relieved that Pandora was fine.

"You've been unconscious, that man-made sacconium is some pretty strong stuff, almost as strong as the real one. Your body has been rejecting the blood for a week, well, basically for as long as you've been unconscious, but now that you're awake, it's taking in well, I see," Jax answered, running his hand through his golden hair. "Thank goodness that you're okay."

"A week?" Pandora was shocked. She'd been out cold for a week?

"Yes, a week," he confirmed.

Once the information sunk in, Pandora used her chin to gesture towards Tobias who was stood by the table.

"Are you sure we can trust him?" She could sense his emotions, still unsure of his intentions.

He was calm, just as his face appeared: pretty blank and not the very least surprised by her wariness towards him.

"Yes, Pans, how do you think I was able to get all the sacconium years ago to build this cave? He's been helping me ever since you went to prison very discretely, might I add, so that he still has Fox's trust," Jax explained with reassurance. "Trust me."

"But he's Fox's most trusted guard," she argued, although, internally she had to admit that he did not send out any dangerous aura.

"Pandora, I said, trust me." Jax voice was stern and held authority.

"Jax, I can sense your emotions and aura, I know where the others are because I can feel my internal tracker. Did you do something to the cave so the Sacconium is ineffective?" Pandora felt like a little child asking all these questions and she didn't like it one bit. Usually, she knew everything and others were asking her but the roles were completely reversed and she felt vulnerable.

"What?" Jax was shocked by this information. How can Pandora possibly use her powers in the cave?

"It could have been due to the contact with the liquid sacconium when it broke," Tobias chipped in. "Did you drink it by any chance?"

Both Pandora and Jax snapped their heads towards Tobias. Jax was pleased to have Tobias on his side; he had more confidence in his trust in him now that things can be explained that would otherwise have gone on as a mystery.

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