16. The Original Plan

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For once, I have nothing to open this chapter with lol.

Anyways, this chapter is dedicated to Awoderu for the amazing comments and for encouraging me even at a short time. She's such a friendly person!


Chapter Sixteen ~ The Original Plan

"What are you doing in this room with the lights switched off?" Eva asked, confusion mixed with anger in her voice.

"Clearly having so much fun," she replied, rolling her eyes, which was unseen by Eva since her head was still resting on the table.

"Can I have ice cream now?" Max commented in the mist of all the confusion after he had settled down from his cries. Initially, as Eva put him down on the table he stared through his blurry vision from the tears at Pandora, amused by her frustration. He had patted her once as if attempting to console her, remembering what his mother used to do. He would have asked about his mother again but felt it wasn't the right time. He noticed Eva would momentarily frown every time he mentioned her.

"In a minute," Eva answered, waving off his request.

Pandora lifted her head up, knitting her eyes together as she gazed at Eva, careful not to stare into her eyes. She settled on the bridge of her nose.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were heading in another direction."

"Darren brought me here, telling me that Jett was here and so were you. He told me that you found him. Well?"

"Well, one thing is for sure is that you're dumber than I thought you were. Jett might well be here, but I haven't seen him. You just brought a little kid into danger. Well done you!" Pandora mocked, angry at the thought of being imprisoned again, as if seven years wasn't enough.

"Don't get snarky with me or I will use the Crest on you!" Eva threatened, placing her hand in her coat pocket and rummaged for the little silver device.

"I'm not so sure it'll work in here. Why do you think I'm moping around in this room? Do you think I would be in here if my powers work? Every time I tried, I was left feeling all drained and weak, just the way I felt in the ice sector and..." Pandora trailed off, realising this was the first time she was able to mention where she was all this time when Eva thought she abandoned her. There was no screeching call she could hear with the indication that Fox was calling her down to the earth's core in an attempt to prevent her from telling Eva anything about the way of living for her kind.

"Ice sector, what's that?" Max asked. Both Pandora and Eva had forgotten that Max was in the room because he was so silent for a few moments.

"Why can't you use your powers in this room?" Eva attempted to change the subject, however squinted at Pandora while she gritted her teeth to say that the conversation hasn't ended; that they will speak of it later without Max in their presence.

"Some guy I used to know created this so everything is prevented!"

The sound of the door unlocking caught their attention and in walked Jax, his golden hair messier than Pandora perceived it to be earlier. He had two glasses in each hand, one with a red liquid and another clear liquid.

"Some guy you used to know? You were a little friendlier just before," Jax answered with a smirk.

Another guy, neither Eva nor Pandora recognised, walked in with a glass of water in his hand. He was covered all in black apart from his face: black boots, black trouser, black long-sleeved top, black gloves and a black woolly hat. That's not suspicious as all, both Pandora and Eva thought, placing the man outside in public in their heads.

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