19. Not so planned

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Chapter Nineteen ~ Not so planned

They were getting themselves ready, preparing for a battle of some sort. They weren't exactly expecting a battle, but it doesn't hurt to prepare for one. Darren was fitted with extra padding under his shirt just in case and given the gloves that prevented Pandora and her kind to use their powers if they came in contact with it. This was for further precaution supposing Fox attacked one of them. Eva was also fitted with padding under her hooded cloak, however the gloves wasn't given to her as of yet.

"Tell me again what this is made of?" Pandora softly dragged her pointing finger down the length of one glove which was left on the table. "I've forgotten."

"It's a chemical called Sacconium found in rocks close to the core." Jax rolled his eyes, tired of repeating himself since he had already explained this last night after Pandora had returned from getting Max from the kitchen. Right then he was in the corner, sorting Eva out, ensuring she had enough padding and the block that they had placed under her clothes to protect her heart wasn't moving with little jolts. "Luckily, humans haven't discovered this yet."

Pandora picked up the glove with her thumb and forefinger, lifting it to eye level and inspected the material. "And we're surrounded by it too? This cave is made up of that stuff, then?" This part was new. She wasn't given a chance to ask this last night.

"Yes, Pans. Now, can we focus on the task ahead?" Jax was irritated. He was unable to concentrate on two things at once.

"Are you sure that I should stay here? I mean, can't I help you out there?" Jett took this opportunity before Pandora spoke again, to double check that they were making the right decision. He was sat on a chair besides where Pandora stood.

"You'll be more useful here. If we need you, Pandora or I will come back to get you. Plus someone needs to take care of Max and he seems very fond of you if last night was anything to go by," Jax assured him. Neither Eva nor Pandora liked Jax taking control of everything, in fact, it bothered them quite a lot but there was nothing they could do at this point. Jax was the only one who had a plan and was prepared for this for years. At the moment, Max was in another room fast asleep. Max only enjoyed hanging off Jett's arms while he was pretending to show his muscles off, that's why he was so fond of him. Jett was fun according to Max, which he hadn't had a lot of since he was kept under Eva's protection.

"It's strange how we were never taught about this. 'We are more powerful than any living thing that walks on and in Earth with nothing but the Crest holding power over us. We have no weaknesses.' That's what our teacher said after I questioned her, do you remember, Jax? We were about thirteen." Pandora continued to examine the glove, amazed by the new discovery. "But that doesn't make sense. There had to be something; how do you explain the weakened bodies in jail, each sector alone would do so little to harm us. The more we tried to use our powers, the weaker we got. They must have had this sacconium stuff in each sector the whole time." She said this part more to herself, answering her own curiosity.

Jax patted Eva shoulder, indicating that she was sorted, and strolled over to Pandora. He placed his arm over her shoulder and pinched the glove out of her hand and chucked it towards Eva. He addressed Eva, "Tuck that glove away somewhere so that it's nowhere near the crest, otherwise, if you touch the crest with the glove it won't work or maybe weaken it. I don't know how affective the sacconium is to the Crest but just to be safe." He then responded to Pandora. "And you're right. I found out about the rock when I was working for Kennedy's lab of science. We all had to know about it because Fox wants us trying to replicate something like it. I had someone steal rocks for me from the prison a few times so I had enough to mix it with the other rocks to make this cave and some left over to make the gloves. I extracted the chemicals for the glove and that way it will only be effective if the glove is in contact with us and we try to use our powers, whereas the cave has the saccomium in its original form of rocks and so it's effective at all times so anytime we try to use our powers, we'll weaken. No powers work whatsoever."

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