Chapter 32 updated

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Gishnetta nearly choked when she finished the letter. She looked at Edwardo who was as lost as her. Grace clapped her hands to break the silence reigning in the room.

"Grace, this wish of yours, " Edwardo started firmly but Grace interrupted him.

"No Ed, before you say anything I want you two to take your time and think. Though you don't need to because you know that you can complete each other. But still take your time and then give an answer. Okay? I just wish it's a yes. If it is so then the marriage will take place on new year's eve." Grace cheered, "I hope you won't let me down."

"Grace and I thought a lot before deciding this. Mommy, though Grace is your everything, you can't deny the fact that she won't always be here and you are still young and beautiful so why do you want to spend the rest of your life as a punishment when you have the option to spend it as a blessing! Grace won't always be here and everyone need a special someone to take care of them at a certain stage of their life, someone who can fill in this void!" Theo added.

Graciento's eyes started to burn with tears.

"I euh I actually need to leave, excuse me." Graciento started towards the door.

"But," Grace didn't even have the time to react, Graciento had already got out.

"What's wrong with him?" Grace wondered.

"I think I'll get going too. Wish you all a very merry Christmas. We'll remain in touch. Bye." Margarita also left from there.

"Grace, we need to talk!" Gishnetta took her hands and made her sit, "Grace we can't do this! You.... Grace you already have a father and he... "

"Mama please, I agree I have a father but he is only a biological one. I don't even know how he looks like and you know what, I don't want to know him! I have already given this love, this respect and this place to only one person since my childhood. I gave it to Ed." Grace turned to face Edwardo, "look into my eyes and tell me you don't love mama! Tell me that you never gave me the place of a daughter in your heart."

"Grace.. I.., " Edwardo shut his mouth and looked at the ring in his hand.

"You know what, Theo and I are going for a walk, you two have a good chat. I think that can settle things." Grace grabbed Theo's hand and led him out.

Gishnetta paced in her room not knowing what exactly should she think about; whatever had happened between Graciento and her, she couldn't tell Grace Graciento's truth, Margarita had showed up and now this wish! Gishnetta felt she might faint with all these issues around her. Her eyes were heavy and she didn't even know when she fell asleep.

It was 4am when she woke up feeling thirsty. On her way to the kitchen she found Grace's bedroom's door open. She peeked inside and saw her sleeping without cover and her right leg was off the bed. Gishnetta chuckled and set her foot and cover back. She sat besides her and looked at her peaceful face and realised that there was something missing.

It was the slight smile that settled on her pale pink lips whenever she was asleep. This sweet smile always reassured Gishnetta that her daughter was happy. But she wasn't wearing that smile tonight.

Gishnetta gazed at the clock when sun rays broke into Grace's room. It's been two hours that she was sitting beside Grace and not even for a second did she fell asleep.

She yawned and went to the kitchen to grab some coffee where Edwardo was already waiting for her.

"Looks like you didn't sleep all night." Edwardo remarked.

"Same for you. Right?" Gishnetta noted.

"I thought a lot and we don't have to do this, " Edwardo said not meeting Gishnetta's eyes, "I'm going to talk to her and I'll explain to her that..,"

"I'm ready for this Ed."


"I'm ready to marry you."

"Are you out of your mind Gish? Things just got clear between you and Graciento. You had found your love damn it. We can't do this!"

"I thought a lot Ed and Grace is right. It was not Graciento that was here all these years to take her hands and guide her in this cruel world, you were! It was not Graciento that was there to hold my hands whenever I stumbled, you were! You have feelings for me, you care for me, you understand me, you know me more than I know myself. Then why can't we give ourselves a chance?"

"Exactly Gish that's why I don't want us to get out relationship to another level because I understand you and I know you more than you know yourself. I can't marry you knowing that you love him. Gish it's a stupidity to do this! It can be avoided. We can't do this because I don't want to die everyday when all I will see is regrets in your eyes." Edwardo shook Gishnetta by her shoulders.

"I have made up my mind!" Gishnetta insisted.

"Did you atleast talk to Graciento?" Edwardo questioned.

"I didn't find it necessary!"

"What the hell is wrong with you Gish! He is her father for heaven's sake. Gish don't do another mistake because this one will cost you your happiness and that too for forever!"

"I trust you Ed and I know you will be a good husband. You have always been a good father and there is no doubt about it! Do you know Ed, among all the thirty frames found on Grace's dressing table only three of them contains pictures of her and me! The rest it's yours Ed! When I saw those pictures an hour earlier, I realised how important you are to her! Ed, I have lived without Graciento for so many years and though I was peaceful when all misunderstandings were clear I can't deny the fact that I can survive without him, even now and in the future as well. But Grace will die without you and to be sincere, I can't afford to lose you Ed! I need you and I know you can't live without Grace so please Ed, please, say yes! Marry me."

Tears rolled down Gishnetta's cheeks. She took the ring box from Edwardo, opened it and held it in front of him. Edwardo took the ring out of the box and reached for Gishnetta's hand. He looked into her eyes as if checking if she was certain and if this is what they should do. Gishnetta gave him a slight nod as if she understood what his eyes were searching for.

Edwardo took a deep breath and slide the ring in Gishnetta's finger.

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