Chapter 11

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Gishnetta's pic

"Ed it's already 3. 30 and Grace is still not here!" Gish said.

"Relax Gish I gonna call her." Edwardo replied.

As Edwardo reached for his phone, the door flew open and Grace came in.

Gish approached her, "Grace! Are you okay? You seem sad... what happened baby?"

"Nothing mama.. just tired... I'm gonna freshen up.. okay." Grace replied dryly.

Grace ran over the stairs and stopped in front of her room. The door was closed and that surprised her because her room's door was always opened. She hesitantly opened it and stepped in. What she saw took her aback.

Shining stars were hanging everywhere, balloons were tied in every corner, spotlights were dancing and a soft music was playing. A huge gift stood in front of her, she approached and untied the thick ribbon; the cloth dropped down and Grace was left amazed.

The antique mirror! Yes the one she saw at a prestigious gallery. She had fallen in love with it the very first time she saw it but it was really expensive. It's taller than her and it's design mesmerized her. But then something caught her attention.
"How come this mirror is here! Only one person knew about it!"

"So... you liked the gift?" Theo took her in his arms from behind. Grace didn't turn around, instead she admired them in the mirror. Theo kissed her cheeks lightly, "happy birthday doll."

"I thought you forgot!" Grace said sadly.

"How could I? It's just that I wanted to plan this surprise for you!" Theo said.

"I love it... thank youuu!" Grace said as she turned around and gave Theo a long, tight hug.

"Ohh so that's why you were upset!" Gish said from behind and they broke the hug.

"Euhh yeah, " Grace replied shyly.

"Okay kiddos time to get ready for the inauguration." Ed reminded them and all of them dispersed.

"Grace, this dress is for you." Gish gave her the dress.

"Ohh it's beautiful mama. Thank youu!" Grace said happily looking at the sparkling red gown her mother gave her.

Gish returned to her room and tried to choose which dress she would wear from her wardrobe since she didn't find a dress that matches her taste while shopping. She then found an elegant back less blue gown that didn't belong to her. She wondered who put it here. She put the hanger in front of her and admired the dress, a little note was attached to it. It said "I hope after so many years together I have been able to do justice to your choice!" with a smiley just after.
"Oh Ed," Gish said with a smile.

Some while later Edwardo came back. He was already dressed. As he stepped in he saw Theo and Grace sitting on the couch. Both were ready. Theo was looking very charming while Grace was amazing in that colour. Edwardo had to smile on how they complemented each other. He then approached them.
"So I guess Gish is still not ready?" Edwardo asked.

"Well nope.. not yet," Theo replied.

"Ohh wow Ed you look sooo dashing!" Grace said as she gave Ed two thumbs up.

"Thank you Grace, I'll just see if your mama is ready yet." Edwardo said.

Edwardo started to the stairs when a figure appeared in front of him and her beauty made him speechless. The blue gown he gave her fitted her perfectly. Her light make up and simple jewelries made her look even more elegant. Her long black hair was curled and it made Edwardo's heart beat fasten.

"Stop looking at me like that Ed, I feel like I'll melt on the spot." Gish said shyly as she blushed.

"Ohh mama you look fab!" Grace exclaimed as she jumped on her feet and joined Edwardo who was still dumbfounded.

"Mommy you are electrifying." Theo added as he grabbed Edwardo by his arm.

"Uncle, don't be shy c'mon say something nice to mommy!" Theo urged Edwardo.

Edwardo hesitated, "all I can say is...  if beauty had any other name it would be yours.....  Gishnetta."

Gish blushed. "Thank you Ed! " she said nearly in a murmur.

Then she turned to Grace. "You look fantastic as always. By the way your surprises are not finished yet." Gishnetta said and covered Grace's eyes with her hand and made her move to the garden. "You can open your eyes now."

"Ohhhh Granny... Grandpa!!!!!" Grace screamed as she opened her eyes and ran to them.

"Thank you for making my birthday so special. I love you all." Grace said.

"I think we should move now, we're getting late." Edwardo said.

They reached the venue half an hour later. The inauguration ceremony was great. Grace had the honour to cut the ribbon and also open the champagne. Gishnetta gave a beautiful speech thanking everyone and wishing her daughter happy birthday. The press was there and also choco goodies and refreshments were arranged for the guests.

Edwardo looked at the time 7pm, she signaled Gish and she understood; they had to move. Gish then went to the stage and took the mic.

"Ladies and gentlemen can I have your attention please. I thank you all for your presence. We will now seek your leave but please continue to enjoy yourselves and you will be attended by Grace Goodies' best staff. Thank you again. Goodnight." Gish replaced the mic and walked to Grace who was puzzled.

"Why are we leaving so early?" Grace demanded.

"Ohh you'll know," Gish winked at her as Theo and uncle Robert pulled the cars in the entrance.

"Shall we?" Gish motioned her.

Grace nodded and joined her mama and grannies. 

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