Chapter 15

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Grace was sitting outside the doctor's cabin. It was almost an hour now since a nurse had taken Theo inside on a wheelchair. Grace buried her face between her hands, though she was not crying,  tears rolled down her cheeks every now and then. Suddenly she felt an arm around her shoulders comforting her. She removed her hands from her face and found her mama beside her. Their eyes met and Gish forced a weak smile. Grace hugged her tight and cried out.

"Who has died over here?" a weak voice asked.

Grace pulled herself from the hug and searched from where the voice came from. Her swollen eyes laid on him. He was still on the wheelchair and his head was bandaged but he appeared much better. Grace ran and knelt down to him. She took his hands in hers and cried.

"I'm really sorry Theo it's all my fault. I wanted to tickle you but I bumped into the lamppost and this caused everything else. Please forgive me Theo, please." Grace begged.

"Hey buddy, " Theo said lifting her face by her chin for their eyes to meet, "it's not your fault okay, I promise that, and it can never be your fault in anything bad that happens to me. You know why! Because every girl has that one guy they can't let go of.. and I'm proud that I'm that guy to you."

Grace couldn't control her tears anymore and this time she hugged Theo tight, "ohh Theo," that's all she could say.

Grace let go of Theo after a while. Gish approached him and gave him a light hug.

"You okay handsome?" Gish asked with a smile.

"I'm good mommy. The doctor said the wound is not deep and i can go home. All i need is rest. " Theo said.

"That's great. I had already called your parents when i was on my way. They will be here any moment." Gish announced.

Theo's mother arrived about ten minutes later,  she and Gish went to see the doctor and then Theo's mother took him home. Grace wanted to accompany Theo but Gish stopped her and Grace didn't argue.

In the car while driving home Gish realised that Grace was way too quiet. She wanted to break the silence but then decided to let things be as they are. Once home Grace locked herself in her room. Gish didn't follow her, instead she picked the phone and called Edwardo.

It was dinner time and Grace didn't come downstairs. Edwardo had prepared Grace's favorite dish. He put everything on a platter and knocked at Grace's door. No answer. He did that repeatedly and finally Grace called out, "mama please leave me on my own for some time."

"Open up Grace, it's me." Edwardo said softly.

After a few minutes the door was opened. Grace leaned against the door looking at Edwardo like a lost puppy.

"OMG Grace, why are you in such a mess?" Edwardo asked disturbed as he stepped in the room and made Grace sit on the bed.

"It's because of me Ed. It's because of me that Theo is in that situation." Grace cried out as she hugged him tight.

"No baby it's not. Look Grace if you continue to feel guilty like this it's going to have two consequences. First, it will affect your health negatively and second, people around you won't be happy Grace and that includes Theo."

Grace looked at Edwardo as he continued, " yes Grace. Look honey if you are trying to find whose fault it was then I would say both of you are guilty, both of you should have been more careful. But now it's over honey and instead of feeling guilty and hurting yourself, be happy and spread happiness around you which will eventually help Theo to recover quickly. Okay?"

Grace hugged him again, "I love you Ed, thanks for always being there."

"Ohh c'mon now let's have dinner," Edwardo said adjusting the tray over the side table and they fed each other. Gish who was sneaking on them from the slightly parted door sighed in relief and smile seeing them.

Gish returned downstairs and there was a light knock over the door. She approached and opened it. A bunch of roses, that's the very first thing she saw. Then she realised that actually someone was holding a huge basket of roses in front of her. The flowers covered that person's face but Gish could guess that it was a man because of his tailored pants and expensive shoes. For a moment time stopped. Gish's heart fastened, she didn't know why.

"Excuse me... who's those flowers for?" Gish asked hesitantly.

"Guess," the man said.

The voice seemed familiar to Grace's ears, "I'm sorry please tell me who are you and for whom are these?" Gish asked again pointing to the flowers.

"Of course for you Gishnetta!" the man said uncovering his face and handing over the flowers to her.

Gish gasped. Her eyes widened in shock.

"You idiot, you nearly took my life for a second, and why are you dressed like this and these flowers? I... I'm confused." Gish said feeling puzzled.

In front of her stood her neighbour Chase, dressed in tailored suit and laughing at Gish.

"Hahaha look at your head man, okay cool down, well first of all, I'm going for a conference that's why I'm dressed like this you know and second when you were away a handsome and dashing man was searching for you. I was watering in my garden and heard him giving your bell a hard time. I asked him his name and the purpose of his visit but he didn't answer. He just confirmed about you staying here and gave me this basket to give you. Okay I gotta go now.. already late. Bye neighbour."

Chaze said as he kissed Gish goodbye and went to his car. Gish placed the basket on the kitchen's table as she wondered who sent her those. There were no notes in it as well.

Grace went to check on Edwardo and Grace. Edwardo had helped her to sleep and now came out of the room. Gish took the tray from him and they went to the kitchen. She told him about the flowers issue but Edwardo told her not to take this matter to seriously. Gish agreed.

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