Chapter 23

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Grace was already standing in front of Theo's house by 8. 00. She rang the bell and Theo's father opened for her.

"Goodmorning Mr Corvet, how are you?" Grace asked and pecked Theo's father's cheek and entered the house.

"Goodmorning my daughter, uhmm well for a Friday morning I'm pretty good."

"That's great. I hope I'm not late for breakfast."

"Oh not at all. Let's go to the dining room."

Breakfast was joyful. Chattering and eating with Theo's family is always pleasant for Grace.

Grace helped Mrs Corvet to clean the table and then Grace went to pick Ed to go shopping. They shopped all day and at 16. 30 they ended up in the park with ice cream. They were silent for a while and then Grace removed something from her backpack... the diary that Gishnetta gave her.

"I need a help." Grace said.

Edwardo looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

"I want to bury this. I want to bury the causes of my mom's sadness and I need your help for that."

Edwardo said nothing. He only smiled and headed to his jeep where he found a shovel. He found a nice place under a tree and started to dig the soil.

"I hope you are not burying a body, " said a voice from behind of them.

Grace jumped and bumped into Edwardo who ended up knocking his forehead against the tree and let out a loud cry.

"I'm really sorry," Graciento rushed towards Edwardo to help.

"That's okay," Edwardo reassured and at the same time his phone buzzed. He looked at it, "it's an emergency, got to go."

"Alright let's go." Grace took Edwardo's arm.

"Uhm no you are not coming with me. Euhh could you please drop Grace home? It's going to be dark soon and I can't take her with me."Edwardo asked Graciento who only nodded hesitantly.

"You are not serious! I'm not going with this man. Do you even know who he is! He is the one who caused Theo's accident." Grace exclaimed.

"That's great. You guys can take this time to sort out things. Well I gotta go. Bye." Edwardo kissed Grace's forehead and and drove away.

"So, shall we go?" Graciento asked not looking at her.

Grace groaned and reached his car. Graciento was about to follow when he found the diary on the soil. He grabbed it and put it in his coat's inside pocket. Silently he started the car and drove slowly. He could feel the uneasiness in the atmosphere. He took a deep breath, "I'm sorry", he said quickly and sighed in relief.

"What? Come again!" Grace faced him.

"You heard what I said."

"And you are sorry for?"

"For whatever happened that day. I shouldn't have been so insensitive."

"Oh okay."



"Forgiving me."

"When did I say I did?"

"But you said okay!"


"You are stubborn huh!"


"Fine, what should I do so you forgive me and end this cold war between us?"

"You really want to be forgiven huh, uhmmm, okay what are your plans for tonight?"

"No big deal."

"Great, so you gonna pick Theo from his house at 11.00 pm and then you came and fetch me."

"Where to?"

"Just got an idea of how you can be forgiven."

Graciento pulled the car in front of Grace's house and nodded.

"Okay I accept."

"Good. See ya Mr Richie Rich."

Grace got out of the car and entered the house. Graciento waited a while for he wanted to see Gishnetta but no chance. He drove back to his hotel where Davis was waiting for him impatiently.

"Any problem Davis?"

"Problem? You are asking if there is a problem sir! We are in a mess!"

"Be clear Davis, what happened?" Graciento asked taking off his coat when something fell from it over the floor. He bent and reached for it. It was the diary that had fallen on the soil when Grace had bumped into Edwardo and then he had picked it up to return to her but in all their talks he completely forgot.

"Sir!" Davis shouted to get Graciento's attention back.

Graciento placed the diary in the drawer next to his bed and settled on a rocking chair.

"What is it Davis?"

"Your mother had call, she came to know that we are not in London but in Brazil and she wants you to call her."

"But why did you take her call? Anyway the damage is already done. Call her and I'll sort this out."

Davis punched the numbers and passed Graciento the phone.

"Hello" Granita answered.

"Mom, it's me."

"For heaven's sake Graciento can you tell me what's going on? You were supposed to be in London, what on earth are you doing in Brazil?"

"My plan changed on the last minute. My business partners were more accessible in Brazil so I came here."

"But you never move for the ease of your business partners so why now?"

"I'll explain later. I got to go now."

"A minute Graciento don't forget to reach at the airport by 11 pm."

"What for? "

"To pick Margarita of course." Granita said with a smile.

"What the heck mom! Why is she coming here?" Graciento exclaimed and stood from the rocking chair.

"Goodbye Graciento." Granita hung the phone.

"Go to hell." Graciento threw the phone against the wall as his face turned red in anger.

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