Chapter 26

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It was 1. 30 a.m. when Edwardo got a call.

"Sheriff office, Edwardo at your service, how can I help?"

"Hello sir, this is Jotsh. There's a woman who is sitting in the middle of the road and is completely drunk. This is causing problem here. Could you come over please."

"Sure, give me the address."

In fifteen minutes Edwardo reached the Rua Guaicurus 124. On this street the famous Week Club Brazil is found. The place is sensory overload with two dance floors, a pool, open courtyard with awesome sound system. A crowd had gathered outside the night club and drivers were groaning angrily in their vehicles.

Edwardo had two officers with him who helped to disperse the crowd. Then he saw her. She was dressed in a black gown, her hair and make up was in a mess and she was sitting in the middle of the road with a bottle of wine in her hands. She seems to be from a rich family, Edwardo thought as he approached her and knelt beside her to talk.

"M'am, this behaviour of yours is causing quite disturbance for the public of Sao Paolo. Please, let me get you out of here." Edwardo reached for her arms.

"Who are you to touch me? You think I'm a whore? That's what you think huh! I don't blame you my dear.... no no no I don't blame you. When my husband think of me like that, how can I blame you! No no no.... "

Edwardo was taken aback by her words. He knew that she won't agree easily so he lifted her in bridal style and put her in his jeep. She tried to struggle but he was too strong for her. He asked his men to control the situation while he takes the lady away.

Graciento swore under his pillow when his phone started to buzz and ruined his sleep. He tried to ignore it but it didn't stop either so he finally decided to take the call.

"Heeello, " his voice was heavy and sleepy.

"Good morning Mr Richie Rich, still on bed? I'm coming over in 20 minutes. It's a beautiful sunny day out there, let's go jogging." A cheerful voice said on the phone.

"You are insane!" Graciento peeked at the clock before adding, "it's 7. 00 a.m. and I haven't completed my eight hours of sleep yet. And where did you get that energy from? We went to sleep at around 1 a.m. I suppose."

"Oh c'mon, let's go please. "

"Let's skip jogging, how about a delicious breakfast?"

"Sounds great, okay so we'll meet at our Sao Paolo cafe. Suits you?"

"Can't we go somewhere else?" Graciento didn't want to face Gishnetta, not yet.

"But my mama's cafe is the best in Sao Paolo. It serves the best breakfast you have ever tasted, it's chocolate delicacies will melt your heart and Brazilian coffee will cool your mind."

Graciento thought refusing Grace would be mean so he agreed. Grace explained to him the plan for the day. They'll first have breakfast where Theo will join them. Then they'll go for a final shopping since it was a day before Christmas eve.

Edwardo was awaken by a noise in his kitchen. He checked his clock, it said 9 a.m. He lazily got off from his bed and walked to the kitchen. For a moment, when he saw her, he thought there is an intruder in his kitchen but in split seconds he remembered the incident of last night.

Instead of taking her to his office and questioning her, he had brought her to his house and put her to sleep in a spare room. And now there she is, preparing something in his kitchen. Last night when Edwardo had put her in his jeep, she was already half asleep so he couldn't talk to her. He had left a shirt of his on the bed in case she wanted to change and he was glad that she wore it.

Edwardo was about to enter the kitchen when he realised that he was shirtless and he felt really uncomfortable to go in front of her like this. He thought it would be better that he tiptoed to his room and put on some clothes first but before he could even turn his back to her, she noticed him.

Her face got pale and then her eyes were stuck to the floor as her cheeks grew red.

"Euh, I'm sorry I used your kitchen without your permission. " she said in an innocent voice.

"Uhh no no that's okay, I mean I understand you might be hungry and... "

"Ohh no I was not cooking for me but for you!"

"What?" Edwardo was confused, "but why? "

"I was just trying to make it up for whatever happened yesterday. Look I'm really sorry for that. I.. I shouldn't have removed my frustrations on you and neither talk to you on that tone and the scene that I did on the road... well I'm sorry... I really am."

Her eyes were still stuck to the floor and Edwardo's silence was killing her. She mustered her courage and raised her eyes to meet his. His eyes were beaming and he was smiling softly.

"I hope you make good food because I'm famished. I'll just go and get freshened up." Edwardo said and headed towards his room leaving her speechless. This was not the kind of response she was expecting.

She put the hot porridge in two bowls and the pancakes on a plate and placed them over the dining table. She brewed coffee and waited for him to join. Edwardo finally came and purposely sat in a way that they could face each other.

She passed him a bowl and he took a spoonful of the porridge.

"Uhmmm, this is awesome." Edwardo managed to say with his mouth full.

"Thank you." She said politely.

"Care to join me?" Edwardo asked with a cute smile. She nodded and started to eat in the other bowl.

"So, can I ask you?" Edwardo asked meeting her eyes.

"What do you want to ask?"

"What generally a man asks a woman."

She frowned, "I can't understand."

"What's there not to understand?"

"Okay go ahead." She said feeling a bit unsure.

"Are you sure?" Edwardo asked raising his left eyebrow.

"Please tell me."

"What's your name?" Edwardo asked and both of them burst out in laughter.

After a long and tiring day Graciento, Grace and Theo finally returned home. Everything happened according to what Grace had planned. However at the cafe Graciento was not at ease at all since Grace insisted upon him meeting her mama. Luckily, for Graciento, Gishnetta was busy decorating her four cafes and had left the Sao Paolo one for the evening.

Graciento felt so happy and his heart was full of warm feelings. They had talked about everything and nothing, took a lot of selfies and did loads of shopping. Graciento laid on his bed and started to view their photos. He analysed them very carefully.

"She is sooo like me, her features, her behaviour, huh if I had a daughter I bet she'd be like her! Good night Grace." Graciento whispered to himself and fell asleep.

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