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The clock said 3. 45 am, Graciento's eyes were focused on the clock. He then looked away. He was in his glamorous office in the Capello Tower, one of the highest buildings in Boston. He loved the architecture. This office, he loved it more than he loved his bedroom. At least here he doesn't have to pretend as he does in the Capello's Mansion. He put off his cigar and rose to the transparent wall in front of him. From there he could see the entire Boston. There he was.. at the height of everything. He had taken Capello Industries reigns and had landed it on the top in the list of the most profitable and successful enterprise. He is sexy and successful which makes him the prior news for everyone, the gossip issue among women and the envy matter among men.

He had it all yet he felt a gap. He didn't know what it was or he just did not want to accept it. His thoughts were suddenly disturbed by the ringing of his phone. He sighed and picked it up.
"Love, have you seen the time? Where are you honey? " a worried female voice demanded from the other end.
For a while Graciento nearly forgot he had a fiancee.
"I have always told you to come home early, and if you are not at least call me! " Margarita said now sounding a bit upset.
"I can have it my own way Margarita, no need to play the concerned wife with me. " Graciento replied dryly and replaced the receiver.

He doesn't know how he did survive.! To be engaged to a woman for name sake. Only to get a polished image of oneself. He was young, hot, dynamic, full of desires yet could never make love to his fiancee. He had to admit that Margarita was pretty and men did envied him for that but it doesn't really affect him. Envy or not he himself doesn't have any interest in Margarita. Graciento moved towards his desk and the smallest drawer. There laid a photo frame and when he turned the frame to have a clearer view of it, his eyes brightened.

He held the frame in front of him and plunged into the blue eyes gazing back at him and he thought loud.. there lies my interest.

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