Ch.21 College life

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Dad kept himself busy well Clara was teaching and when I went back to school,dad asked if I had enough credits to graduate college,everybody knows Timelord's have great intelligence so my credits are really high,if I'm lucky I can graduate with the senior class and get my doctorate Degree,funny right?

I already use Doctor,dad's kind of upset because I'll be called Doctor Song,just like my mother but she was an archeologist.He says I should be called Doctor Pond.


I finished class."Your dad called,he says to pick up his girlfriend."" Since when did he have a girl friend,whats her name?""Ms.Oswald."I ignored the fact he called Clara my dad's girl friend."Why didn't he call me?""You didn't answer your phone." I sighed."Thank you,I'll be getting Ms.Oswald now."I rolled my eyes,going to my car.

I got in the driver's seat and looked at my phone:1 new message

Dad:2 buzy need u 2 pck up C.O 4 me,thx luv u lol-D

I laughed "I should have never got him a phone."I started the car and drove to Clara's school,where she waited."Hey Clara!"She looked and walked over."Where's The Doctor?"I showed her the text."What?""He's busy,so I had to pick u up.""Take his phone away."I laughed as we drove to the normal spot.

I stopped the car,Clara jumped out and ran into my dad's opening arms."Alright,I'm going back to my apartment...I'll see you two for Christmas."Dad walked over to where I stood and hugged me."You are always welcome to come with,we have plenty of room and the old girl misses you."I fiddled a bit."Fine,I'll stay for a bit."Dad did a jig."My two girls!He kissed mine and Clara's forehead."Just promise it will be in time for school,for both of us."He nodded."I know."

He ran around the console flipping switches and running to the door."What the hell?!we're in your apartment."He looked at me and I shrugged.

I went out and heard a knock on my door and I looked to my dad and he shooed me to answer it.

A baby?!I'm in no place to take care of a baby.

I quickly soniced her and looked at the results.Roselina belle,2 human years?Timelord.

"Its a timebaby...Thats...Impossible.""Quite impossible."I shrugged as my room mate came in.

"I need you to take care of Rose.""Who?"I handed Rose to her."My adopted daughter."My dad smiled.

"No Dess,stay you need to buy stuff for her,things she'll need,I'll see you in a few weeks for Christmas,just take good care of the youngest timelord and figure out how she got here."He came over and kissed my forehead and added."I love you baby girl."I hugged him."I love you to,call me if you have Christmas plans."

A.N i know this sucks but its the chapter before The Time Of The Doctor which is going to be the last of this book :( Sad I know but I'm making a second one!!!!I'm afraid i won't have as many readers as I do on this one though :(-Allison


there will be more soon I'll see u guys in Pertwee days. ;)

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