ch 3 The TARDIS

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I walked to a blue box he called a TARDIS. He unlocked the door and we walked in (I have to be honest I found it weird going into a Police Box.)"aren't you going to say it?" He asked."The TARDIS is talking to me."I answered.""Weird are you timelord?" He asked while I shot my head up "Ya I know how is it possible last time lords blah blah blah."I said flying the TARDIS."wait what did you say about last time lords?" "There once was a man who was the only time lord traveling besides a man called the Master who died....."he cut me off "that man is me I think I know how it goes so far."

We got to Storm-cage "Mum!!!" I said walking out of the TARDIS I ran up to her and hugged her.the doctor came out looking fancy."River?!" The Doctor yelled."

A/N Sorry guys got my phone taken away over break :/ that sucked so will try to write this week, depends on how much homework I get :/ XXXX

Thank Ya!

River Song's daughter (Doctor Smith)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora