Ch.14New Personality new body

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Shit dad where are you I tried calling but you didn't answer your phone!I pointed the gun at the Dalek's eye-stalk.


"Come on,you stupid Manipulator!"I said stilling pointing at the Dalek.

"I AM THE DOCTOR'S DAUGHTER!" Yelled back at the damn thing.

EXTERMINATE!"Shut the fuck off!"I yelled trying to get my dad to pick up.

I pointed the gun at the damn Dalek.

"You will show no mercy!"I yelled pulling the trigger before letting him talk.shit more Daleks. Where is my dad?? I did a River Song move and shot them like crazy.Man my dad would fucking kill me.I thought.

And then out of nowhere a dalek shot me."Ugh!"I said falling to the ground,holding my stomach."hear comes my 4th regeneration, Daddy,where are you?I need you!"As I sounded like a little girl that I heard the parking brakes."I laid on the ground for 5 more minutes."Dad?""Yes baby girl?""Can I have my own apartment?"I asked holding my stomach."I'll ask what River thinks.""Ask her now."I replied as he looked at mum come over."Penny in the air."I said as dad gave me a smile."Oww Penny drops!"I yelled " Get back!!"My dad yelled at Claira and my dad started saying my favorite song."Mockingbird by Eminem."Hush little baby don't you cry everything will be alright,stiffen up that upper lip little lady I told you daddy's here to hold ya."my dad kissed my forehead then got up and went by Clara.

"What's happening?"Clara asked."Regeneration."My dad said.

I threw back my hands and head."Aaaaaghhh."I screamed bloody murder.Memories.Memories of my dad's timeline.Mum and dad meet.Mum attempts poison.

Hmm very peculiar."I said rubbing my tongue to my teeth."Teeth,good,nose,good,

ears...No!!"I yelled."What?!"My dad asked."I have your ears!Hair."I looked at my hair."Straight and red !Woah!Its all there,I'm like a package to...""Don't finish that sentence Destiny!"My dad said yelling at me."What color is my eyes?"I asked looking up and down on my dad."The same as they were."Really?"I asked as he just ignored me."Why can't I be ginger,I am on my 11th regeneration,and not ginger!"

"Oui shut up space man,I need to go shopping these clothes are tight!"I yelled."Right so we need to fix your manipulator?"He asked."Yes,I will be back."I said running to the bathroom."IT'S ALL THERE!"I yelled walking out seeing my dad roll his eyes."I am hungry,I want....Sushi!"I yelled hurting my dads ear."Clara,take her shopping and get her what she wants,NOT NAIL POLISH!"he said handing Clara £150.00."Alright!"I said getting into the Tardis."I will drive!I said in my new cheery mood."Hell no,You'll turn the parking break off."He said pushing me away."Aww man I wanted to,so bad!"I said walking to my room ,calling my mom."Hello?Can I talk to River Song?"I asked."Hello?River speaking who may this be ."She said."It's Destiny,I regenerated so me and Clara are going to shop,so can you meet us somewhere?Teleport to us?"I asked."Oh yeah I can sweetie.Love you!"She said.Ok love you too!"I said picking up my purse.


"You look my age."Clara said."Haha,thanks,I guess."I replied laughing."Did it hurt?"She asked."So much,but I got used to it after awhile"I said.


An hour later.


"Okay Des,I have to go back to Stormcage,don't get into trouble."She said kissing me."Bye girls!"She yelled as me and Clara walked back to the Tardis."Wait Clara,I want to bleach my tips."I said pulling her to the salon."Hi I am Destiny Pond,I want my tips bleached.""Ok Destiny take a seat.


"Oh I like!"I said when she was finally done.then we went to the Tardis."Destiny!Your hair!"My dad said admiring it."Blimey."He added."Dad I want to go back to New York and pack the rest of my stuff."I said turning the parking brake off."Ok."He said without asking."I'm going to find an apartment in London."I said pulling the parking brake off again."Keep it off!"I warned him."We will help you."Clara said.We finally got to New York dad and Clara helped me get my stuff from Matt's house.

"Thanks for being my adopted parent,even if I regenerated 3 other times."I said to Matt hugging him."Alright princess take care call me and come back to visit.""I will."

We got back to the Tardis with the last of my things and started looking for a apartment (I toke Jesse after telling her every one of my secrets to prove it was me.)

"So you're not you anymore."Jesse said as she walked to the Tardis door."Yes,I got shot but as you can see I am 100% fine....Spectacular."I smiled opening the door."Its bigger on the inside."I smiled."Yes Jesse its Infinity,there is a pool,closet,bouncy castle,and a library!"I said walking in."When are you going to get your license?"Jesse asked me."Oh shit..."I got cut off."Destiny watch you're mouth,young lady just because you look as old as Clara you are still living in my Tardis!""Sorry dad,Can I get my permit?"I asked trying to give him the puppy dog eyes."Yes...I'll have River sign you up."He said giving in.

"So you sleep here."I said showing Jesse around."This is pretty,hey why does this say Rose,Jack ,River and Destiny?"She asked."Rose was my dad's ganger's girlfriend,Captin Jack Harkness was a companion alongside my dad and Rose, River being my mum and then me,The four people the Tardis liked most.""Cool." was all she said."Wanna go swimming?"I asked Jesse."Yes please!"So we got into our bathing suits and went down to the pool.


So Des and her friend moving to London? Please Vote Comment and read A Timelord's Companion (Btw I don't have River as a bad person cause I kinda like her she's BA!)Thought this would be a nice to put in here-

<3 Huggs <3

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