Ch. 8 back to school

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The next place we went to was a mansion Clara and I didn't know why dad chose there because its not even a planet.but Clara,dad and I were scared because of a ghost my dad later tracked down and got stuck in a other dimension."Clara and I ran to the TARDIS'"ugh let us in you ugly cow!!"She said."Clara be nice thats probably isn't gonna help her to be nice to you."I said sticking up for Dad and "Sexy" then the voice interface came on."are you supposed to be me?" Clara asked."I am a voice interface." "The doctor is in trouble!" She said as the TARDIS opened up.'by the time we were done dad realized that the beast

Wanted the other dimension one. Dad talked to the women about Clara then we went back to the TARDIS.

"Destiny I think its better if we send you back to school back in Manhattan." "What!??!! No!!I want to travel and besides it will go into your traveling times.your smart why can't you teach me?" i asked."I know it will but you got 4 full weeks left you'll be fine Clara back me up on this." My dad said."I agree with your dad."Clara said agreeing with dad."we thinks its best for your education and I think Doctor Song wants you in school and we there is five weeks left so after school we will pick you up and travel then we will be back at 7:35 AM to have you in class." My daddy said."fine I guess I can go back to school."


Please more votes!!!!I will keep writing!please tell me what you think!



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