Chapter 25

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Savannah's POV.

Harry tenses a bit at Tess's action and I just laugh. If some other girl were in my place then she would probably scold Tess for her action or something but I know my sister. This is her and she's like this with everyone. Not the most healthy thing but what can I do? She's her own person.

I nudge Harry in the shoulder and he moves along, still a little uncomfortable. We take our bags up to my old room and he puts them on the bed.

"Don't worry about Tess," I say, "This is normal for her." Harry smiles and gives me swift peck on the lips.

"That's fine," he says. I unpack a little and help him do so too. My parents are cool with us staying the same room- not that we really do anything. During the unpacking, I tell Harry about how my parents ended up in America when we are originally British. My father actually got a really good business deal here and moved to take care of his branch and then just settled. I went to college here, I was an early grad and after my graduation I moved to London. My parents were happy about that because I was again in the place I had my roots from.

Harry takes this all in with a curious smile and sparkling eyes. "Well I'm really happy that you moved baby or I probably would have never met you." I smile at his sweet response and we both go downstairs for dinner.

It's five so we still have time. I go to the kitchen to help my mum while Harry spots Elijah in the backyard and joins him there.

"Hey, mum," I say when I enter. "Want some help?"

"Oh, yes. Come cut these fruits for the salad." She points towards our fruit basket. I nod and start.

"I see Harry is charming," she's says, making me blush. I smile and nod. I was a little scared about bringing Harry along at first because we've been barely together for a couple of weeks and I'm already taking him to meet my family. But seeing now that my parents are okay with him being here and he is also comfortable, I feel much better.

"How's your job coming along? It's only been about six months but it feels like a lifetime since I last saw you honey. And your hair is longer," mom says.

Time flies by like this. I tell mom all about my job and how amazing it's going. I tell her about Harry and how nice he is to me. I tell her about lol.

Now and then I also glance back in backyard and see Harry and Elijah kinda getting along. There playing baseball and Harry is shit at it but he looks really cute. I'll have to tell him that.

Harry sits across from me at the dinner table. Mom prepared lasagna and wings with fresh salad - well I did that - and everything looks great. My stomach rumbles. Those nachos are long gone since the flight was long.

All of us dive into the food and enjoy. Dad asks Harry some questions here and there about his career and all. Harry answers confidently and I'm proud. We've been together for a couple of weeks and I'm already proud; wow.

After dinner I help mum and Tess with the dishes. When I'm done I go up to my bedroom since that is where Harry is. I heard him excuse himself from the living room a few minutes back.

I find him sitting on my bed, kinda in deep thought. I walk up to him and surprise him by sitting on his lap, one leg on each side. He looks surprised but then smiles and kisses me. "you alright?" I ask. He nods and I feel his pupils dilate. Even the sight of just that gives me butterflies. I such in a breath and kiss him again. Hard.

I have never been intimate with anyone. When he asked me to marry him I was scared. For just this millionth of a second I was scared. I mean I'm barely 22. I had barely been with him for two weeks and he was asking me to marry him. I even thought it was a joke. But his eyes said otherwise and I couldn't say no. It hasn't been long but I know I'm in love with this green-eyed boy with my whole heart.

I trust him.

We kiss and kiss deep for a while but then mum calls from downstairs for dessert. After some really good brownie and ice cream, we head out for a walk.

I feel him caress the back of my hand. I look at him and smile. I intertwine our fingers and kiss his hand, and I let the kiss linger.

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