Chapter #13

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Savannah's POV.

I'm sleeping when I hear something. A knock, on the door. It takes me time to grab my cell phone and check the time which is 1:35 am. Who'd be here now? I slowly get up. Its hard and I feel very sleepy so it takes a lot of time during which I hear a second knock. I hope everything's alright.

I open the door and see a boy in front of me. My vision is a bit blurry but I can make curls out. I squint to find out it's Harry. Again, I hope everything's alright. I mean, why would he be here at this hour?

"Harry?" I say. My voice is cracky because I just woke up. He doesn't say anything. He's just staring and he looks wide awake.

"Harry, are you okay? Is everything alright?," I ask again. To this, he nods.

"Can I come in?," he asks.

"Yes, sure."

He walks in and I close the door behind me. The room is still tidy and that makes me stay comfortable. I don't have to jog here and there and pick stuff up like I usually have to. I can see that something's troubling him so I ask him to sit on the bed. I could have asked him to sit on the sofa in front of the curtain but to be honest, I wouldn't want to sit there. The bed is way more comfortable. He sits and so do I, beside him. I keep my distance though.

I can't wait anymore. He isn't saying anything.

"Harry, what happened?" He hesitates at first and that I can see but then he finally says it.

"There's a creepy sound in my room like krcchhkrkch and it crept me out to the limit. I was going to complain and was on my way to the reception but then I remembered that you're here on the same floor. So, I ah .. I'm sorry, I disturbed you. It's clear you were sleeping. I should go," and he gets up and turns.

"Hey, no it's totally cool," I say. He did wake me up but I don't mind him here. Plus, I'm awake now.

"No, I'm sorry," he says and continues walking. I get up and grab his arm and make him sit on the bed again. Why so stubborn, dude? I said it's okay.

"Harry, you don't have to say sorry. I don't mind and it's totally fine," I assure him. "You can stay here."


"Yes." After that it's just awkward silence for a while. This is weird but I can smell his manly sweat. He's wearing the same shirt he's been wearing all day but he looks too clean for that. I don't get him.

"So how long have you been asleep?" He asks to break the silence.

"Honestly, long enough that I don't feel sleepy at all now. I slept early actually. Almost right after dinner because I have to get up early tomorrow to go check out the stadium," I say. He nods.

"I don't want to keep you talking, I mean I think you haven't slept yet. So I'll crash the right side. You can freshen up in the washroom if you want to," I say.

"Yeah okay," he says and goes to the washroom.

When he's out of sight I get up and tidy the bed. I arrange the pillows and straight the sheets on the left side so he's comfortable. To be honest, I don't feel weird about another guy sleeping in the same bed because like I said before, the bed is huge.

He takes his time and during that period, the thing that I traveled with them pops in my mind out of the blue. Makes me feel weird again but since I have a chance now, I'll ask him. I think asking him alone will be easier for me than asking the whole lot. I've talked to him before.

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