Chapter #1

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YASSSSS, I'm finally done my fifth project! Ahhhhh. Damn I'm lucky, thought savannah Chabrior while walking -- more like frolicking -- in a busy street in London.

Savannah was a 21 year old interior designer who's life was amazing! Along with the job she had always wanted, she had a lovely, no, more like stunningly awesomely amazingly beautiful apartment. Well, afterall she was an interior designer, wasn't she?

Also, savannah was very pretty. She had sandy brown hair and was tall. Her skin was a mixture of cold and slightly wheat-ish skin tone and her eyes sparkled. She didn't wear any makeup. She didn't need to.

She wasn't really confident about her skills. I can't believe they totally loved it, she kept thinking and-

'I hopped off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan'
well that's her cell phone...

'Welcome to the land of fame excess'
which is deep down in her purse

'Woah, am I gonna fit in?'
she's reaching for it..

'Jumped in the cab here I am for the first time'
almost there

'Look to my right an--


She has finally picked up.

"Hey miss oh-i'm-just-too-lucky!"

This was Rogder Cunningham, her colleague and friend too.

"Hey Rogde what's up?"

"What, you're gonna stay quiet about it?"

"About what?"

"Girl you got your fifth project done!"

"Oh yeah that. Yes, it's done. It was awesome. The clients loved it."

"So, the party."

"What party?"

"The one you're throwing tonight at your place as a celebration."

Rogder and savannah were on friendly terms. Appearantly.

"I don't have to throw a party. That would be like showing off."

"Are you kidding me? Do you have any idea when I got my first project done? No, you don't. Well, it was fourteen months after my graduation. No one gets five done in thier first year! You've got to throw a party and I'm not the only one who's saying that."

He put the phone to speaker and all savannah could hear were screams and yells and people chanting party! Party! Party!

Yep, this is her office.

"But Rodge I'm kind of tired -- not mentioning the fact I was just frolicking, um-- perhaps someday else?"

"See you tonight!", said Rodger and cut the call.

This made savannah worry.

People will come to my place tonight. I'll have to clean up before they do. They'll come and have fun -- I might have a little fun too -- and trash the place and leave. Then I'll have to clean up again, thought savannah.

This was what savannah thought happens when people throw parties at their places as she had never thrown one before. Like, officially.

And i'll also have to-- and her thoughts were cut

"Woah!", and she fell.

Well, technically she bumped into someone cos she was looking at the sky.

"Ah I should look ahead more," frowned savannah.

Then she noticed the person she had bumped into. He was a guy who was also currently on the pavement. He had his head facing the ground. He was brushing the dirt off of his clothes when savannah thought that she should do that too. You also fell dumbo, she thought to herself. But then she had her attention diverted. She was now looking at the guy who was, well, wearing a surgical mask. He was also wearing a huge beanie. Then she looked at the only visible feature on his face. His eyes. She understood. She got up, gave him a hand.

"I'm sorry, Harry. I wasn't looking," she blurted out. The guy went stiff.

How on earth did I bump into Harry Styles, she thought.
Harry still wasn't saying anything. Then it hit her. He's obviously shocked.. Yeah he doesn't know about my talent of recognizing eyes, she thought.

"I'm actually really sorry, you know." She was now smirking.

"How do you know?," said Harry finally.

"Your eyes," she said.

He only stared.

"I should go. Again, I'm sorry."

And she walked away.


Hey guys! First chapter!

I hope you enjoy. And guys the first 3-4 chapters are short but the ones that come after a pretty long so don't worry about them being so short.

I daydreamed this chapter btw.

Do vote and comment.

Guys also read my new book. "damn Nathaniel" 

- Wajiha

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